Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Top 10 moments of The Last Of The Americans in 2022

  (0:36-end mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run play the camera moves back to see James on top of the slab with the words “The Last Of The Americans” on it before cutting to James in his office physically)

I’m James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans, and the views that I’m about to express are that of my own and some of yours. 2022, felt like the unofficial sequel year to 2020! (Cut to moments from The Last Of The Americans in 2022 as James does a voiceover)

Between dwindling numbers in audience views and Chad coming up with bad ideas that have slowed my evolution to the next step to a point where my professional reputation took a massive hit to the point where my fuse is shorter than a Tiktok video. And now, we talk about the project that has been a fight to get off the ground which IS my next evolutionary step on the path to more success in my profession. On the plus side, I finally got that rat bastard Doug Walker out of my life in terms of competition, met a fan, and had all sorts of good times, and Ten of them are coming your way! (Cut to James physically. That's right, five from you and five of my own! (Cut to James as he turns into James Faraci)

James Faraci:
So it's time for the Top Ten Moments of The Last Of The Americans in 2022.

(Scene begins with a laser hitting a slab of Titanium as the music of the 1994 American Gladiators opening theme plays the angle of the camera goes into the laser as three shadowed figures with lasered outlines appear as the shadows reveal themselves to be James Faraci in the center, Paulo Fonseca on the right and Rebecca Yaun on the left as their names appear above the characters. As the three run out of frame moving forward, four more shadowed figures with lasered outlines appear and the shadows reveal themselves as Brenda Fonseca on the right, Nick Yaun on the left, and John and Mike Santos and their names appear above the characters. As they run out of frame moving forward, five more shadowed figures with lasered outlines appear as they reveal themselves to be Renee Miller and Eric Kurtzke on the right, Andrew Beach and Ed Champion on the left, and Olivia Horvath appears in the center as their names appear above the characters. As they run out of frame credits of “Written and directed by James Faraci, Edited by Eric Kurtzke, Makeup by Olivia Horvath Produced by First Choice Productions” as it ends the Laser beam disappears and at the 0:28 mark of the theme song the words “The” “Last” “Of” “The” appears. At the 0:32-0:36 mark, the word “Americans” start to come forward as it pulls down, and James’ Morpher and Sonic Screwdriver is flung into the frame as James grabs both and morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 10
(Cut to clips of "Reality Checkout: "The Real World" destruction of MTV" as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Originally, I had planned this to be a Reality Checkout on the "16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom" series, but I scrapped it due to one personal event and one realization.  The personal event was that I welcomed a new family member, baby Kinsleigh, and realized the series was a symptom of a network ravaged by Reality TV disease.  And to be honest, I was there when MTV was Music Television, NOT Mediocre Television. While yes, I will admit I enjoyed the first few seasons, I found the series no longer interesting. However, the network meant to showcase Up and Coming Musicians and see legends get a younger fan base saw its Modis Operandi tossed out the window, and TV has gotten worse because of it. I also thought it would be a great lead-in for what was at the number two spot.

(Show clip of James shouting "CHAD!" as the echo roars over Sullivan County, All of New York, the United States, the Earth, and then the rest of the world as it fades to black then cuts to the 0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 9
(Cut to "The Punisher" and The Punishment of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans" as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Sitting through this was actually fun. Watching The Russian and Frank fight reminded me why their brawl almost made my Top Ten funniest fights list back in 2015. However, when I posted a link in August on Manic Expression, I got a comment correcting certain things, like why Frank Castle's new logo looks the way it does. The commenter said quote, "As for the Punisher’s skull, it’s been co-opted by a number of people who miss the whole point of the Punisher’s character, such as cops (the Punisher exists because of a FAILURE of the system, and he is an outlaw), and … well, some really nasty extremist groups I’d rather not mention here. Changing the Punisher’s symbol in the comics is how Marvel deals with the problem in the short term, at least." endquote. He also commented on my framing story, which is the continuous headache Chad Narducci gives The Last Of The Americans. And Yes, The references to a certain internet game show were to show how much the wrong people and the wrong ideas helped destroy that site and certain people's credibility. Aware of that, I have been referencing how credibility and reputation can be destroyed, and if others keep pushing bad, that will destroy you professionally and personally.

(0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 8
(Cut to "The Different Cuts of ROCKY IV" clips as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Watching both versions of this movie and seeing how different these two movies are. I mean, the classic Rocky IV is so well-known when I put on the Drago cut; I was surprised at how Stallone remade what many fans consider a classic in his filmography. Though I was surprised by how different the Drago cut was from the theatrical cut. Many known elements were either removed, downplayed, or given more time. The Robot in Rocky IV was removed, Uncle Paulie, played by Burt Young, and Ludmilla Drago, played by Brigitte Nielson, was severely downplayed. Surprisingly when Dolph Lundgren was given more time, he showed he could act. However, I felt the classic worked better because it was more well-known. Once people see the Drago Cut more, they might give it a chance. And since it was Rocky, I decided to satire something. That's when I decided to go for the obvious, the "Rocky III" freeze frame ending between Apollo and Rocky. Thankfully Chad and I agreed to do that in one take. And I loved getting a chance to talk about this movie.

(0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 7
(Cut to "Nine years and "The Quest" continues" clips as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
This was one I HAD to review as a Superman fan myself; I knew all that I needed to know about the movie. Then I had to deal with what I called the Linkara connection. That means knowing when someone does a review of this movie, Linkara is more or less likely to be on board. This is where I also gave my character a challenge and a setback that would help give me something to overcome. To placate Chad Narducci for something beyond his control, The Last Of The Americans had to give up majority control of his production company to Chad. But it was also when I was working on the review that I noticed something no one else had. In the same scene Lex was dancing with that Marie Antoinette look alike, Lenny, played by Jon Cryer, was playing with A ROB the Robot on a Nintendo Entertainment System! That's right! THE first recorded showing of a Nintendo on the big screen and it wasn't in The Wizard but it was in fact, Superman IV: The Quest For Peace! Also, I felt I had to defend the whole Superman taking on Nuclear Disarmament because with things just as tense as it was back in the 1980's and with world leaders being less competent now, we need someone with no political ties to stop us from hurting ourselves! And the whole "There will be peace" Speech makes sense when you realize that no Government will give it to them, not even our Government. So when you understand those aspects, even the cheesier moments aren't as bad nor will they make any more sense.

(0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 6
(Cut to clips of the Last Of The Americans "Austin Powers Trilogy" as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Sitting through these three, I had forgotten how good Mike Myers was as an actor and a writer. Some jokes were so well-timed that I had to put in my take on them. Plus, I wanted to expand my character by showing he had something before he was an Internet Reviewer. Also to explain some of the technology James had. However as I was going on this ride, tragedy struck one of our own. As I was finishing up this trilogy Marsha Kent-Rodriguez AKA She-Rod AAKA the wife of Eric "E-Rod The Blockbuster Buster" Rodriguez passed away due to complications from COVID complications. I dedicated what was unanimously agreed the best of the trilogy which happened to be "The Spy Who Shagged Me". This also marked me doing research on the movies and the stories behind things that happened while the movie was made. So getting to add more to give people felt good and this was one of my favorite trilogies, I've done for my three month season premiere!

(0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 5
(Cut to "Life's a "Splash"" clips as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
This was one I wanted to review because it remains one of the last great romantic comedies I've ever seen, and I wanted to celebrate this movie by reviewing it. I also addressed the Allison Pregler elephant in the room and mentioned what Disney+ did when they released the movie on that platform. Also, maybe it's me, but I loved how the story and acting were so well-paced when I was younger. But going into it with all the information, I found it an even more interesting story. I had to share that Allen was willing to give Madison up to save her from being a Government experiment. I felt for Eugene Levy's Character, Dr. Cornbluth, first having to struggle with feelings of inadequacy and feeling that you have to prove yourself with everything you do, having to defend your rights, even if you're alone in them, having to fight for every scrap of dignity only to have someone come and pummel you nearly to death because of it. I made this one of my favorite reviews because I put a lot of effort into giving it the dignity it deserves. 

(0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 4 
(Cut to "Ghostbusters have an "Afterlife" of five hundred years" & "The "Extreme" end of "Ghostbusters" clips as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Watching Ghostbusters: Afterlife, I saw something that was perfectly cathartic after having 2019 and 2020 be two of the worst years of my life, both personally and professionally; I needed to have a movie that allow me to laugh and cry at the same time. So to honor this, I decided that this movie needed a review worthy of the movie itself, no sketches, no comedy unless it was a joke worthy of The Last Of The Americans. As for the Extreme Ghostbusters review, that was partly because I needed a crossover, and I think the one at the number two spot would probably not count as a real crossover. Which is when I remembered I had to deal with the Extreme Ghostbusters. While I was the expert in the series, having seen it in its original syndicated run. Having checked out what I thought was essential to the series, Rowdy came up with some of the best jokes I've heard in a review, and everything just worked. It was something I needed to watch, and I needed to celebrate in my review.

(0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 3 
(Cut to clips of both "What Is Star Trek Syndrome? & "A Taste of The Rainbow"

James Faraci (V.O.):
Ashleigh Burton inspired this one as she watched "Galaxy Quest," and I decided to give it a watch. Once I did, I discovered that not only was this a parody of Star Trek, but it felt more like a study of what happened to the cast of Star Trek and to the creator Gene Roddenberry and then I saw it in other fandoms. It helped postulate a theory I had about tv and movie franchises, the cast, and the people who work on these franchise series. I surmised and came to conclusions that hopefully everyone would understand. "A Taste Of The "Rainbow" got done because my plans to review of "The Man" fell through because outside of a few jokes. So I had to ask everyone I could help with something to review. Rowdy AKA Chris Lee Moore, saved my backside with Rainbow Brite and The Star Stealer! However when I saw it, it made me remember of something I had seen 25 years ago this year.  Joel Schumacher's "Batman & Robin!". So I had gotten those Vietnam Flashbacks and decided to put that experience into the review. (Show the clip of James as he has his Vietnam Flashback to "Batman & Robin" and as it ends James continues his voiceover) Just two favorites that tied at the same point. Fans loved both and I loved them so why not let them share the same spot.

(Show clip of James as he wakes up from his Vietnam Flashback covered in blood and Rainbow colors as Rowdy asks "What happened?" and James responds with "I don't know!" Cut to 0:36 until the end of the 1994 American Gladiators theme plays as it cuts to James as he morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
Number 2
(Cut to clips of "April's Showers bring a whole lotta "CARNAGE" as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (V.O.):
Kent Lilly was a great person to put up with me and my directing and writing. Looking at him, I thought he would be a great Andy Serkis and his ability to do great voices made this review a knockout review. Of course, it also allowed me to relive one of the funniest moments in Movie Award history. At the 2003 MTV Movie Awards, Andy was finishing up his work as Gollum in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, and they did a bit in which Gollum/Smeagol and Andy were in the same room and dealing with the award. It was perfect parody fodder and Kent again had to go through hours of makeup to become the Gollum/Smeagol parody and we shot all the scenes of Kent in the full make up and then work backwards also helped that Kent is a great voice over artist. I truly can say he is the best at voice work and I thank him for being professional and letting me know how big a Jackass I can be.  

(Cut to "Andy Serkis" in full Gollum mode as he ends his cursing rant with James grabbing him and saying "Goodnight" and the reviews ends. Cut to the scene as it begins with a laser hitting a slab of Titanium as the music of the 1994 American Gladiators opening theme plays the angle of the camera goes into the laser as three shadowed figures with lasered outlines appear as the shadows reveal themselves to be James Faraci in the center, Paulo Fonseca on the right and Rebecca Yaun on the left as their names appear above the characters. As the three-run out of frame moving forward, four more shadowed figures with lasered outlines appear and the shadows reveal themselves as Brenda Fonseca on the right, Nick Yaun on the left, and John and Mike Santos and their names appear above the characters. As they run out of frame moving forward, five more shadowed figures with lasered outlines appear as they reveal themselves to be Renee Miller and Eric Kurtzke on the right, Andrew Beach and Ed Champion on the left, and Olivia Horvath appears in the center as their names appear above the characters. As they run out of frame credits of “Written and directed by James Faraci, Edited by Eric Kurtzke, Makeup by Olivia Horvath Produced by First Choice Productions” as it ends the Laser beam disappears and at the 0:28 mark of the theme song the words “The” “Last” “Of” “The” appears. At the 0:32-0:36 mark, the word “Americans” start to come forward as it pulls down, and James’ Morpher and Sonic Screwdriver is flung into the frame as James grabs both and morphs into The Last Of The Americans with the half team TLOTA on his right and the other half on his left as the camera pulls back to see the slab with the markings “The Last Of The Americans”. The Laser returns to cut out the Number)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
And The Number One Best moment of 2022 is...
(Cut to clips of the "The Top Ten Best Episodes of The Orville...So Far" as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (Voiceover):
When I first saw the series, one thought came to mind. It felt like I was watching Seth MacFarland's take on those 1990s syndicated Star Trek series, and while yeah, it started off that way, it took a different direction and became the purest Sci-Fi Series I have ever seen. Once Fox gave it the boot after saying they'd give it a third season, Hulu gave it a last-second stay of execution, and the third season became one of the best in the entire series, I decided, much like with my fandom of "Life As A Mermaid," I figured I would celebrate the series' success throughout its run and unlike "Mermaid," "The Orville" looks to keep going and something tells me I am going to be another Top ten about the series further down the line. And I am looking forward to more from Seth and the cast of The Orville. I love celebrating success and call this series the best success Seth MacFarland has had, and I hope this success continues for several more seasons!

(Cut to James physically)

James Faraci:
What will 2023 bring me? Well, how about my tenth anniversary, for starters. Maybe some good news in developing my movie... (Air raid sirens blare) My god... It's happening! It's Really Happening! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES TO THE SHELTER! (James runs as he morphs off camera as the camera work becomes shaky, and James runs into everyone else as everyone starts to fear something wrong, James yells to them to head for the shelter in the basement! Everyone runs in, with James being the last guy in.)

My god, we've done it! We've really done it! If this makes it out in any way, shape, or form, I have to say that I blame you for the end of the world! I'm James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans, and...I think it's for real this time! (Power flickers out)

Monday, December 12, 2022

The Last Of The Americans 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

(Cut to James pulling a card designed by Stevie Swigart with the statistics of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans while putting it into the Robo Knight Robo Morpher and punching in the code 428 then cut to James jumping down a cliff from the 0:00-0:03 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run. 0:04 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators shows James Faraci landing in Santa's sleigh and fully morphing into James Faraci The Last Of The Americans Christmas mode with his Long sleeve Tee-Shirt with Christmas Trees on it, Blue cargo Jeans and Black Work boots until 0:07 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run as scene cuts to James and Santa riding with the 12th Doctor and Clara at the 0:13 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run. 0:14-0:17 show Rebecca Yaun and Nick Yaun as the two run after the Grinch before cutting to John and Mike Santos baking cookies before cutting to the 0:17-0:19 mark as it shows Paulo & Brenda Fonseca popping in A Muppets Christmas Special on a player before cutting to the 0:20-0:28 mark as we see Eric Kurtzke, Ed Champion, Andrew Beach and Olivia Horvath decorating as it cuts to the doors outside of James' space and time machine as the 0:28 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators shows when James stands on top of his Time and Space device and tosses a candy cane then cuts over to multiple clips from the past nine years of "The Last Of The Americans" Christmas reviews/top 12s as the Candy Cane flips end over end as the 0:36 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run plays when James grabs it while on top of a slab while doing a heroic pose with Paulo & Brenda Fonseca, John & Mike Santos, Eric Kurtzke, Olivia Horvath on his right and Rebecca & Nick Yaun, Renee Miller, Andrew Beach & Ed Champion on his left doing their own heroic poses dressed in Christmas Garb on a white background the 0:36-end mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run play the camera pulls back to see James and everyone else on top of a slab with the words "The Last Of The Americans" on it before all while snow and jingling bells are heard and seen in the foreground. Cut to James in his office)

I'm James Faraci The Last Of The Americans and the views that I'm about to express are that of my own and some of yours, and it's December, I got my Santa hat on, and my list of gifts is budgeted at $100.00, which will be stretching every last penny. The is "The Last Of The Americans Holiday Gift Guide" for 2022. 
(Cut to James and Team TLOTA in their Pajamas as they come rushing to the Christmas Tree and see different items they wanted and clean up as the camera turns to see in the Wrapping Paper shrapnel "The Last Of The Americans Holiday Gift Guide" slide wipe to James in Cooking gear and walks to a juicer and around the Kitchen in the Studio.)

First up...Elite Gourmet EJX600 Compact Small Space-Saving Masticating Slow Juicer! What this does is take whole fruits and veggies into juice. The best thing about it is the forward and reverse functions. Makes the clean-up easy and the juice itself. (James drinks the juice.) Tasty. It also makes great nut and oat-based kinds of milk. We also have something that everyone has been needing; this is The Hamilton Beach Brewstation Dispensing Coffee Maker. Now, this makes up from One to 12 cups, but where is the carafe you may be wondering? Well, it doesn't need it; just place your cup right under the dispenser, and bingo, fresh hot coffee. Then this little creation I like, especially when I want some Ice Cream but just enough for say, two, I give you The DASH My Pint Electric Ice Cream Maker Machine. It's perfect for making a small amount of Ice Cream without having to pay high prices at a supermarket. Just make sure the core is ice cold, have your mix nice and chilled, fill the device, and in minutes, you have Ice Cream, Sorbets, and Gelatos in no time flat. And I actually like this cookbook, and wouldn't you know, it's based on one of my favorite movie franchises. I give you The Back to the Future: The Official Hill Valley Cookbook. What I like about this is how its recipes are dated! Literally. There are recipes from 1985, 1955, 2015, the Alternate 1985, and 1885! Now here are some unique recipes for "Uncle Joey's Parole Cake," "The Essex Theater Lime Rickey," "Mr. Fusion's Banana Fueled Protein Bowl," "Biff's Banana Foster," and then "Emmet Brown's Sarsparilla and Pear Mocktail."  You can find these in the links in the sentences, and allow me to share with you some great movies from the most well-known collection sites.  (Cut to James looking at the Criterion website and other film collection sites as James does a voiceover.)

For many of these sites, the subscription rates are well within a hundred-dollar budget for a yearly subscription and I fully enjoyed many of the movies they put out monthly. If you're a cinema fan like I am, I strongly suggest you try and find them. (Cut to James as he has finished some improvements)

You're possibly wondering what's up with the equipment. Well, I've had a new family member join us. This is baby Kinsleigh! And with her parents in my family, I've taken on some ideas. For example...(Cut to the bathroom) I've installed toilet locks throughout all of the toilets in the building first. (Cut to the cabinets all over the building) Second, I have put these magnetic locks on all the cabinets and drawers; third, I put this lock for the oven doors and these little things that keep the oven locked into getting moved out. And I put some dollar store pool noodles for those hard corners and sharp corners. Besides, she might like the colors. And guess what? We haven't even begun to talk about stuff for the newest members of my family. Starting off with the Fisher-Price Baby's First Blocks, it's very nice and simple; even Kinsleigh could figure it out quickly, and she did! Next up are some Kids' Musical Instruments. We got a tambourine, Jingling Bell straps, maracas, and a Xylophone. (James and Kinsleigh play some notes on the Xylophone, and James gets bopped in the head, which makes Kinsleigh laugh.) Well, this one is a Build-A-Bear exclusive that I am particularly fond of seeing Kinsleigh or her Aunt Viv getting. The Gremlins Gizmo Plush, It's a limitedly available toy from Build-A-Bear, and it is worth it to hear Gizmo singing! (The Gizmo plush singing and coos, making Kinsleigh smile.) While I enjoy these moments with Kinsleigh, let me show you some recommendations for some great Christmas Capers. (Cut to clips of "Reindeer Games," "Bad Santa," "The Ref," & "The Silent Partner" as James does a voiceover.)

If you haven't seen these movies that go so far off their rails in terms of the plot of the crime capers and what they do with the holidays, I absolutely love these movies even when it is not the holidays. If you can find them, then check them out and get a good laugh out of things. (Cut to James, John and Mike Santos, Paulo and Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca & Nick Yaun)

However, the laughs are about to stop, as when we come back, my team and I will face off against Chad and his team.  Speaking of your team Narducci, who did you get? 

Chad Narducci:
Per the agreement, You and your group of friends will take on my team. Let me introduce some people you may have known and have one thing in common! (Guitar Rock plays as Taylor Huff, Marcella DiPasquale, Cambell Dodson, Garrett Schecher, Diego Torres Kuri, Nick Slimmer, Fleur Zanna & Alex DeCourvillle walk through the door and look at James with righteous disgust.) You disgust them as much as you disgust me! When I win, you can say goodbye to your team, your show, and that big project you wanted to do. 

One moment, I forgot two things: the referee for this and my final team member! First off, the Referee, He is the angriest gamer you have ever heard! He is The ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD! And since the baby is here, the baby's mom also drove my final team member here. You remember Vivian! (Guitar rock plays as Vivian Lee Faraci walks in with a purpose on her face and is accompanied by the Angry Video Game Nerd.

So, let's play some games and settle a score once and for all!

(Cut to James' and Chad's teams as they stare down at each other.  Cut to the 0:36 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run plays when James grabs it while on top of a slab while doing a heroic pose with Paulo & Brenda Fonseca, John & Mike Santos, Eric Kurtzke, Olivia Horvath on his right and Rebecca & Nick Yaun, Renee Miller, Andrew Beach & Ed Champion on his left doing their own heroic poses dressed in Christmas Garb on a white background the 0:36-end mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run play the camera pulls back to see James and everyone else on top of a slab with the words "The Last Of The Americans" on it before all while snow and jingling bells are heard and seen in the foreground. Return to the 0:36 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run plays when James grabs it while on top of a slab while doing a heroic pose with Paulo & Brenda Fonseca, John & Mike Santos, Eric Kurtzke, Olivia Horvath on his right and Rebecca & Nick Yaun, Renee Miller, Andrew Beach & Ed Champion on his left doing their own heroic poses dressed in Christmas Garb on a white background the 0:36-end mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run play the camera pulls back to see James and everyone else on top of a slab with the words "The Last Of The Americans" on it before all. At the same time, snow and jingling bells are heard and seen in the foreground. Fade to The Angry Video Game Nerd coming in between James and Chad.)

Okay, James, and Chad, we went over the rules during the commercial break. Five games. The team that gets the best of the five gets control of the production company. Any cheating in either the game or using whatever it is...

Vivian Lee Faraci (Offscreen):
Watch your language, Nerd!

Thank you, As I was trying to say, Any cheating, I will be the first one to disqualify your team. Now I know the following about the Nintendo Switch. Jack and Switch! I said Switch! And Switch left town! If everyone is ready, let's do this! The first game on the Switch Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. (Cut to clips of the game as James, Vivian, and John are one team of drivers, and Chad, Taylor, and Alex DeCourville are another team as both have a driver come up just even at the finish line. Cut to the Angry Video Game Nerd.) So first round will end in a draw. Next up, Minecraft. (Cut to clips of the game intercut with clips of Vivian and James as they take on Taylor and Marcella, with Vivian and James coming up victorious.) Okay, the winner of the second round and the team ahead, The Last Of The Americans. Next up, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge (Cut to clips of gameplay and of James and his team as they beat the game promptly, then more clips of the gameplay as it cuts to Chad's team as they win quicker and with a higher score and gloats in front of James) Okay, Okay! HEY! YOU GUYS BETTER STOP THIS (The Nerd glances at Vivian); childishness or James wins by default. Final game! AMONG US! (Cut to gameplay and James' team and Chad's team as the traitor systematically takes out both sides as the Traitor eventually is weeded out throughout several rounds as it is shown to be Vivan.) The winner of this whole contest after all these rounds is... A Draw! (Cut to everyone)

Everyone (in unison):
A DRAW?! (Everyone gets angry and argues, and finally, we cut to the Angry Video Game Nerd as he sees everyone angry and yells, "SHUT UP!")

Okay, in the spirit of the holidays, I will help both sides. So what is wrong? (Cut to James)

It all started when I did what I thought was good when I heard of a series that Alex and Chad had on YouTube in which I tried to help as best as possible. Cut to 2021, the show's over, I fell in love with Alex, and I helped Chad out with demonic possession, and as payment, he took fifty-one percent ownership of my production company. Since then, he made an Internet Daytime Talk Show that was as well received as that review sitcom, and then he bought the rights of the game show from your old friend, which went about as well as the first go around. Since then, he has been systematically shutting me down and some of the projects I've been trying to do!

Chad Narducci:
That's your side, My side; I got possessed by a demon; that is true. I kept it in check, but once I was dragged into this mess, I figured I would clean up James' messes and start to phase out James' series in favor of legitimate ones. entertainment pieces like news shows, sitcoms, dramas, reality television, you know real things instead of a fat, worthless sack of flesh saying movies and tv shows suck! (Cut to the AVGN)

OKAY, TIME OUT! I'm breaking character partly because those reviews keep my family and me as well off as we can be! So for you to insult me and my profession makes me want to give James the win. But in the interest of fairness, I know some legal people who will work out a rearrangement so that Chad can do what he wants with your production company, and James has full control of the production company. Sound good to both sides? (Cut to James looking at Chad and Chad looking at James.) 

TLOTA & Chad (In Unison):
FINE! (Cut to a couple of hours later as James and Chad sign a deal that works for everyone.)

Now that is taken care of, James, you get back to work on the holiday gift guide. Do you have any TV series to recommend or something like that?

Some Movies and TV series should be on people's Christmas lists, and Shout Factory is the place to check them out. (Cut to clips from WKRP In CincinnatiThey LiveGravity FallsDanny PhantomNorthern Exposure, and The Cat Returns as James does a voiceover.)

Suppose you're a lover of rare movies, animes, and tv series that they don't air for any reason. In that case,  Shout Factory is your spot for shows like "WKRP In Cincinnati," "Newhart," "Just Shoot Me," or for something like "Kiki's Delivery Service", then look no further than Shout Factory. It is also where I got my Power Rangers Box series and all my MST3K collections. If you are looking for something that a friend of yours would like, then all you just have to do is SHOUT! (Cut to James in the center of a stage.)

Right now, I am standing on the stage of my local college to show you what is partly the reason why I am trying so much to get things off the ground. I'll show you around. (Cut to James as he shows off all the different buildings.

Sullivan County Community College is in my neck of the woods and has been called the Number one Community College in New York State. For many majors ranging from Nursing, Law, Theatre, Digital effects, and Photography, I am in the Media Arts program as part of my evolution in my vocation, and in hopes to get to hear about some of my professors' thoughts, I talked to the head of the Media Arts Department Kenneth Luck and my professor in my fall semester's course of Digital Photography Joseph Poon (NO JOKES ABOUT HIS NAME!) about what filmmakers these days have to deal with.

Kenneth Luck:
With how filmmaking technology has improved, I think it has made making movies easier. I think we will be seeing more movies being made easier with even the smallest of budgets. 

James Faraci:
And what about the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Do you think it may hurt or help new filmmakers?

Kenneth Luck:
Well, I think they have set a benchmark for movie making, but after "Endgame," I've noticed more people finding and coming up with more problems and criticisms of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They'll keep making these movies as long as it makes money. How I think that will help new filmmakers is that it will give them the inspiration to try and do better because nothing lasts forever. 

James Faraci:
Well, Nothing bad lasts forever. (The two chuckle) Final question, Do you see things getting easier for filmmakers to make the films they see, or will they go through more difficulties?

Kenneth Luck:
Well, as I said earlier, technology has improved, and I think the best way to survive is to work their way up from the bottom.  Because there have been those that try to get to the top quickly and wind up going to the bottom and staying there. And in the Media Arts department, I will teach students like you to reach their goals and to work from the bottom up.

James Faraci:
Thanks for your time Professor Luck.

Kenneth Luck:
My pleasure, James.

After meeting with Professor Luck, I talked about movies and the posters being designed with Joseph Poon (AGAIN, NO JOKES ABOUT THE NAME) from the Digital Photography program. 

James Faraci:
So when do you think cameras like the one I have been using this semester, which has become a standard in making Internet Videos and High-Quality Photos like what I have been trying to do (The Two Chuckles) when do you think this became the standard?

Joseph Poon:
It started because of the pandemic when we had to adapt to the changing times, which has upped the game for many DIY users. We also have digital phone cameras for YouTube and photo sites like Instagram. 

James Faraci:
Now, With the advent of the internet, we have these thumbnails for our movie previews. Does that draw away from the movie poster? How can a movie poster today stand up to something like that? 

Joseph Poon:
I'm pretty cynical because movie posters were movie posters that were drawn to form movies, and now we've had all these things happen where we can't tell what's a real movie poster and what isn't, and while YouTube and Google are making people visually illiterate and believing what they first see. But yeah, I think we've become so used to seeing what is there at first glance we're not giving ourselves a chance to think and wonder where else we need to find out information for movies.

James Faraci:
Now, I have enjoyed Drew Struzhan's works regarding movie posters. Do you think we will one day see the digital version of Struzhan? Or will we see Drew Struzhan look and see what we've been doing and thank us for carrying his torch towards new mediums like here in Digital Photography?

Joseph Poon:
AI Technology artwork disgruntles people as much as people try to do Struzhan. They're afraid that people might do better than Struzhan and that there will be a lack of originality in the future. Though I don't think there will be a digital version of Struzhan, we may find posters and artists trying to emulate Struzhan's work.

 James Faraci:
Finally, When will we become more interactive with the photos and posters for a movie?

Joseph Poon:
Yeah, in Futurama-esque terms, I think they will be doing that soon. Not real soon, but soon enough.

James Faraci:
Thank you for your time.

Joseph Poon:
I appreciate your taking the time to do an interview for this department.

And as I see my fellow students roaming these hallowed halls of this university. I see the seeds of greatness in them as I see it in myself. Maybe the educational route will eventually lead me to the evolutionary state where I will be among the highest echelon of others in my field. And maybe I am with the next Struzhan, Spielberg, or even Kevin Smith, for that matter. I just know the path I lay out here at Sullivan County Community College will lead to success! (James walks out of the College, and the scene jump cuts to James as he is in his office)

I want to thank Joseph Poon and Kenneth Luck for taking a little time out of their busy schedules to answer questions from an Internet Reviewer who just so happens to be a student there. Now onto business at hand with the top five movies of the year. (Cut to the movies James mentions as he does a voiceover)

At Number five, We have "Thor: Love And Thunder" while taking inspiration from the Jane Foster Lady Thor storyline; Gorr the God Butcher is on a quest to find a very powerful McGuffin to vanquish all the gods from the universe. Thor, Jane "Lady Thor" Foster, and King Valkyrie must team up to find the children of New Asgard, Stop Gorr, and Thor himself to try and save Jane from both cancer that's killing her and from Mjolnir! A lot of people found the movie to be too safe. But I actually found myself enjoying it

At Number four, We have "Sonic The Hedgehog 2" the sequel to the surprise 2020 hit before the pandemic and Covid decimated going to the movies. Jim Carrey returns as Dr. Robotnik and he's bringing with him a echinida named Knuckles and a powerful new source of energy however Sonic still has James Marsden and now he has Miles "Tails" Prower. This was actually entertaining in a way I never expected.

At Number Three, We have "Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero" growing up I enjoyed Dragon Ball Z, so to see what this movie had in store, I have to admit I liked this movie. Goku and Vegeta are training their abilities as a chaotic force is unleashed as everyone hears about the Dragon Balls and the gang has to stop the guy and one big reason I enjoyed this is that Broly is voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch! One of my favorite Power Rangers actors. If for nothing else if you're enjoy either Power Rangers or Dragon Ball, then this movie is for you.

At Number two, we have "Clerks III" Kevin Smith returns to the Quick Stop once again! After a heart attack that should've killed Randal Graves, Randal decides that he has had enough of making fun of movies and decides he's going to make a movie based on his and Dante's misadventures. Without giving too much away, I will say this, the twists and turns that happen, you will not be ready for. By the end you will have gone through not only a tale of a movie maker and what took him to get to his new challenge in life.

And at Number One, We have "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness" Stephen Strange now has to protect young American Chavez and help her hone her powers as Wanda Maximoff has gone around the bend after going through the events of "Wandavision" and gaining the mystical abilities of the Scarlet Witch and Wanda wants the life she had in "Wandavision" back, even at the cost of the multiverse. We're also introduced to the Marvel version of the Illuminati. Sam Raimi returns to direct this, his first Marvel movie since Spider-Man 3, and it has all his hallmarks including a Bruce Campbell cameo and surprisingly good writing, acting, character development and directing. These movies are the ones I strongly recommend for any fan of cinema you have in your family. (Cut to James physically)

Before I sign off, I got five books for anyone to check out! And yes, I read books as well. Starting with QUEST SEEKERS: THE WYRMSTONE and it's follow up QUEST SEEKERS: SIRE IN DISTRESS both written by my friend Chris Lee Moore. They're available digitally on Amazon and "Wyrmstone" is available in physical form at They so incredibly well written, it's sword and sorcery with the same type of anarchistic type of humor and heart that shows that Chris has as an amazing gift for writing. Next up is from the boss of Manic Expression, James Daniel Walsh, I give you his take on a classic tale set in the 1970's as a gangster tale that would give Mario Puzo's The Godfather a run for it's money Don Giovanni: A Novel. If you haven't read his work, than by all accounts, check this story out! Next up is for those like me who are fans of The Orville then you have to read The Orville: Sympathy For The Devil. It might just get that series the fourth season we've been looking for. And finally, We have, the story behind one of the first people who actually got me into this business, James Rolfe. He recently wrote his story entitled A Movie Making Nerd. If you know about his story about how he came to this point, then you're going to hear this story how James Rolfe became a filmmaker and The Angry Video Game Nerd.

Julia Alexa Miller (Off camera):
Speaking of the Angry Video Game Nerd, You need to see what's happening in the lobby. 

What's going on? (Cut to Vivian Lee Faraci and The Angry Video Game Nerd as the two play "Super Mario Brothers")

You're doing phenomenal at this! 

Vivian Lee Faraci:
Well, I have been playing with my sisters since I was three.

Okay, let's try this one Top Gun! I can't land the plane. If you can do it, I'd like to see it. (Cut to Vivian as she lands the plane properly after winning the final round.) 

Vivian Lee Faraci:
It's all a matter of Patience.

That is something we know all about. How we use it defines us.

Vivian Lee Faraci:
And I told him about that in August!

How old are you?

Vivian Lee Faraci:
Young enough! (The Angry Video Game Nerd starts to laugh)

She's your niece? 

Yep, and I wouldn't have it any other way. On behalf of everyone at Manic Expression, Team The Last Of The Americans, and every one of us in our industry, We wish you the Merriest Of Christmases, the most joyful of Hannukahs, and the best of Kwanzaa. I'm James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans, and I wish everyone a Happy Holidays! (James, Julia Alexa Miller, The Angry Video Game Nerd, and Vivian Lee Faraci wave and smile as the scene fades to black. It cuts to much later as James looks over something and decides to throw it into the trash, and there's a knock on the door.)

It's open! (Julia Alexa Miller walks over to James as she sees what James was doing.)

Julia Alexa Miller:
James, don't throw this away.

The losses from Chad's ideas ate away at the traveling portion of the budget, which I did not salvage. I also had to pay for the contest Chad came up with back in April, which took a lot out of the budget and only allowed me the bare minimum of people I could have. I tried to get some financial aid to help until I could pay it off by August, but that fell through. I have no choice but to hold off on it until I can get financially more stable, which has to happen on the eve of my tenth year. Let's face it, I am up a creek without a paddle, financially speaking. It would be a miracle for this to happen. So in January, I will tell the team and hope everyone else will be surprised when it happens. (James sighs and sits down) I'm basically no different than Spoony. (Julia Alexa Miller sits down with James)

Julia Alexa Miller:
I talked to Steve about your issues, and he told me about Spoony. You're not him! He wasn't going to do it. We are; it will happen. So I am going to make some adjustments. (Julia Alexa Miller takes what James was working on and fixes it. Julia Alexa Miller shows the sign saying "To Be Continued in "The Last Of The Americans: The Movie" Hopefully") So tell me, what do you think? (James walks to Julia Alexa Miller and morphs back to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Thank you for telling me to hang on to hope. (The two kiss passionately as the scene fades to black)

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Top 10 moments of Joel Hodgson (Robinson) on Mystery Science Theater 3000

(Opening begins at the 0:36-end mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators' original run play. The camera pulls back to see James and everyone else on top of a slab with the words "The Last Of The Americans" on it before cutting to James in his office)

I'm James Faraci The Last Of The Americans and the views that I'm about to express are that of my own and some of yours. Well, MST3K is back (Cut to the "Groundhog Day" clip of Bill Murray saying "Again!" Cut to James physically). The Gizmoplex is a success. As for the new episodes? (Cut to clips from the new episodes as James does a voiceover)

The "Gamera vs. Jiger" episode has one of the most hilarious endings to an episode; there have been some really great riffs. However, I have had a couple of Vietnam Flashbacks. "The Million Eyes of Sumuru" was produced by the same people who made "Castle Of Fu Manchu" and if I were to have done a "Top ten worst movies on MST3K" revised list, I would put "Munchie" in the number 2 spot, bump "Hobgoblins" down to third and keep "Fu Manchu" at the number one spot. But I also liked the secondary host of Emily and the return of a man to reclaim his crown and throne as the king of MST3K... Joel Hodgson, AKA Joel Robinson! And today, I am celebrating his return to the Satellite Of Love and ten of his best moments. (Cut to James physically)

So let's send Joel the Movie sign salute and celebrate the best moments of Joel Hodgson, AKA Joel Robinson of Mystery Science Theater 3000!

(Cut to a field as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, and a camera looks around, James Pops up in Camo and starts shooting, and The camera drops. Cut to the inside of an oven where what the camera symbolizes and James looking in before closing the door and the words "Top 10 moments of Joel Hodgson (Robinson) on Mystery Science Theater 3000" are shown, and James closes the door revealing the Number.)

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 10
 (Cut to the KTMA era/ Season 0 MST3K moments as James does a voiceover)

10) The KTMA era

While the impetus of what the series would be was there, it was clear that one of the things that kept the series on the right track and that was Joel Hodgson, who plays Joel Robinson. And yeah, after KTMA had to reformat its programming, MST3K was off until Joel used the footage from this era to convince the Comedy Channel, which eventually became Comedy Central. It became a hit for the network. It was also the progenitor moment that would lead to many great things, including Internet Reviewing as we know it. Who knew that back at the end of the 1980s, a little low-budget show from Minnesota would make so much greatness happen. Joel Hodgson knew.

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein what the camera symbolizes and Olivia looks in, uses a Bulb Baster, and closes the door, revealing the Number.) 

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 9
(Cut to clips of "The Crawling Eye." as James does a voiceover)

9) "The Crawling Eye."

To many who saw this episode, they saw history in the making. The first time America saw Joel Hodgson as Joel Robinson, we were introduced to riffing on bad movies. This was when the series was starting to get its sea legs, and for anyone who saw it and where MST3K eventually did go, the foundation was set in this episode. While yes, J. Elvis Weinstein, who played Dr. Erhardt and Tom Servo in that first season and in the KTMA era, left at the end of that first season, the fertile ground was planted, and what grew out from this episode was the greatness, Joel had seen in this episode.

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein the camera symbolizes Renee putting a Dressing dish in the oven and closing the door revealing the Number.) 

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 8
(Cut to clips of "Rocket Attack USA" as James does a voiceover)

8) "Rocket Attack USA."

As Joel finishes up a Robot Haircut, an invention exchange, and a part of a serial short from "The Phantom Creeps." we get to see Joel and the bots show all the cold war paranoia in all its glory. From the mocking of the McCarthy hearings, A Cold War-based game show, and meeting with Sori Andropoli to the riffs on the movie, which are hilariously great. But again, in the end, like I said in my last Top ten on MST3K about Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, it gave the MADs one of the biggest wins against Joel and The Bots. I liked it because Joel took to task the paranoia we need to get comfortable with again, especially with this world falling to pieces. And as Joel and The Bots say in disgust as the narrator says, "We Cannot Let This Be The End!" I agree with Joel and The Bots when they say, "OH YES, WE CAN!"

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein the camera symbolizes Paulo and Brenda Fonseca putting their homemade Croissant Rolls in the oven and closing the door revealing the Number.)  

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 7
(Cut to clips of the "Gamera" movies as James does a voiceover)

7) The Gamera movies

These movies were put on the map thanks to Joel and the Bots riffing these movies from here to Japan. Seven movies featuring the gigantic turtle who happens to be friends of children everywhere. One of the best ones had Michael J Nelson as Michael Feinstein talking about how much the Gamera theme means to music and Michael is a great pianist. What else can be said or sung in this case except (Singing): Gamera! Gamera! Gamera is really neat! Gamera is full of meat! We just ate a Gamera!"

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein what the camera symbolizes, and Nick Yaun puts a Green Bean Casserole in the oven and closes the door revealing the Number.)

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 6
(Cut to clips of "Attack Of The Eye Creatures" as James does a voiceover)

6) "Attack Of The Eye Creatures."

What can be said about this one is that it has some of the craziest riffs, and at the center of it is Joel Robinson trying to keep the riffs on track. While yeah, "Attack Of The Eye Creatures" is one of the worst movies ever shown on MST3K, the lack of technical competency, horrible writing, and acting are just a few things wrong with this movie; the riffs and the host moments are what keeps it entertaining. Even when Joel and the bots went over how much everyone in the movie didn't care, it was entertaining to hear how everyone in "Attack Of The Eye Creatures" didn't care. You have Joel to thank if you didn't know how good the riff was.

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein the camera symbolizes Rebecca Yaun moving the Stuffing over, placing a Sweet Potato Pie in the oven, and closing the door revealing the Number.) 

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 5
(Cut to "Soultaker" as James does a voiceover)

5) Joel's first return to the Satellite Of Love in the episode "Soultaker."

After a decade on the air, after  Comedy Central gave it the ax, and some time on the Sci-Fi Channel, Barry Diller, the man who won both the USA and SCI-FI Channel, ended the series. But the first episode of the final season showed the Satellite Of Love starting to fall apart. Mike tries to keep the Satellite afloat, but Mike's efforts are like putting a bandaid on the Titanic after it hits the iceberg! All while riffing Soultaker, Another ship is trying to get aboard; it's in the third act of the episode that we finally see who it is that's been trying to get onto the Satellite, like an angel coming from on high; Joel returns to repair the Satellite. While yes it would've been interesting to see Mike and Joel riff the movie's ending. Joel was there to repair the Satellite of Love; he didn't have time to join in riffing a movie. Though I wish we did see the two riff a movie together on MST3K. But Joel's return to rescue the Satellite Of Love was a sign of what would eventually happen for Joel.

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground wherein the camera symbolizes and John Ross Santos moving the Croissant Rolls and placing them in a tray of 100 Pigs In A Blanket in the oven and closing the door revealing the Number.) 

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 4
(Cut to "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians" as James does a voiceover)

4) Santa Claus Conquers The Martians

You will never forget the first episode of MST3K you ever watch. I SO love this episode! Set during the holidays, there was only one movie Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank could send Joel. "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians," and when they went to town, I laughed as they took this holiday ham to town! Then there is the Patrick Swayze Christmas song, which, thanks to YouTube's policies, has kept many of us from using it in the videos about this movie and the riff! But suffice it to say, Crow was right! It has become a Christmas standard as has this riff on the movie. If you haven't seen it, check this riff out, it's enough to get the Grinch and Ebenezer Scrooge in with the joyous parts of the holidays!

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein the camera symbolizes and Mike Santos as He places corn in the oven and closes the door revealing the Number.)

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 3
(Cut to "Mitchell" as James does a voiceover)
3) Joel's escape from the Satellite Of Love from the episode: "Mitchell."

(Show the clip of Dr. Forrester shouting, "WHAT?! JOEL ESCAPED FROM THE SATELLITE OF LOVE?!" Cut to the MST3K episode "Mitchell" as James does a voiceover)

We all know Joel left because Jim Mallon and Joel's professional relationship went down the drain. But the thing is, the episode was such a perfect transition from Joel's era to Mike's; I dare say it's on par with how the producers of Power Rangers made the transition from Amy Jo Johnson's Kimberly Hart to Catherine Sutherland's Katherine Hillard. But the way Joel just handled everything behind the scenes for the transition was excellent. For Joel, he thought it was going to be another experiment when Gypsy, Oh, I'm sorry, it's not that anymore because people have the I.Q. of Yogurt said "IT SMART TO DO DAT! WE NEED NAMA CHENGE TO SOMETHING ELSE?! GPC?! DAT BETTER NOW I GO AND MAKE A NEW LAW TO STOP COMMON SNESE! I A POLITICIAM!", Sorry got off track! At any rate, Gypsy or GPC or Whatever it is overhears Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank saying they're going to eighty-six someone. G thinks it's Joel, so for the rest of the host segments, G has to devise an idea to get Joel off the ship. Working with Mike Nelson, who was working as a temp at Deep 13, helps G find the escape pod on Deck 14, and as the experiment ends, we say goodbye to Joel and hello to Mike in the best way possible. 

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein the camera symbolizes Ed Champion and Andrew Beach placing a Pumpkin and Apple Pie in the oven before closing the door to reveal the Number.)

TLOTA (Voiceover):
Number 2
(Cut to clips of "MANOS: The Hands Of Fate" as James does a voiceover)

Yep, going back to this well again. I enjoy this one because this was perfect fodder for riffing. We have Frank Conniff, AKA TV's Frank found this, Best Brains decided to see how it would work and it was set for the fourth season finale. What made it great was when Joel tried to keep everyone from cracking like eggs. Whether it was making fun of the endless driving scenes, helping the bots relax with a mid-movie massage, tried to make fun of "The Master", Screaming at the movie to "DO SOMETHING?!", or even just accepting the madness of the movie. While yes, both the MADs do apologize for sending them this movie. I found Joel being able to control himself during a movie that would've driven most to... (Static interrupts James as he says, "What's Going on here?" then the static breaks through to see Joel Hodgson)

Joel Hodgson:
Hi James! (Cut to James)

JOEL HODGSON?! (Cut to Joel Hodgson)

Joel Hodgson:
The one and only, and I was hoping that I could chime in before you went into what I was hoping would be the number one moment of mine on MST3K.  (Cut to James)

I'll send you my list right now, Joel! (Cut to Joel as he looks over the list)

Joel Hodgson:
Wow, Okay, That's at Number one? Would you mind if I talked about Number one with you? (Cut to James)

I would be honored!

(Cut to the inside of an oven as "Turkey In The Straw" plays in the foreground, wherein the camera symbolizes and Eric Kurtzke placing Baked Potatoes in the oven and closing the door. However, the weight of what's in the oven falls, causing a crater in the Kitchen; as it cuts to James looking down in the crater and shouting, "GUYS!" and walking away where the oven is revealing the Number)

Joel Hodgson (Voiceover):
 The Number One moment on Mystery Science Theater 3000 featuring me is...

(Cut to clips of "I Accuse My Parents" as Joel Hodgson and James do voiceovers)

1) "I Accuse My Parents"

Joel Hodgson (V.O.):
Between this episode and "Hercules Unchained" this was MST3K at it's best. I loved every moment in both the riffing and the jokes in the host segments. Even the invention exchange was hilarious, partly thanks to Trace and Frank. Their energy when they were trying to rescue Rodney when their Invention goes south. 

I loved it when you and the bots called out the lies and the (Cut to the clips of Joel and The Bots shouting "LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! at the right times in the movie.) Then of course, the moment you tried to make sense of the Psychological Hot mess of young Jimmy. (Show the clip in which Joel and the bots try to start to understand Jimmy as they have a diagram and a spinning diorama about Jimmy's mental illness. Cut to further clips of "I Accuse My Parents" as Joel Hodgson and James do voiceovers)

Joel Hodgson (V.O.):
I love that this episode is your favorite moment of mine on MST3K.

And I love that this moment is the number one moment featuring you at the center of the experiments. Now while yes, your return on the recent season was a great moment. To me nothing will fully top the moment you and the bots tried to figure out why Jimmy said "I Accuse My Parents" for all he did in this movie and it is worthy of the number one spot of the best moments featuring Joel Hodgson on MST3K. (Cut to James physically)

Any other moments featuring Joel in any of the MST3K episodes he was in, then let me know in the Comment Section below. And Joel, thanks for being so appreciative for allowing me to do this list. (Cut to Joel)

Joel Hodgson:
Well I appreciate it when fans are honest with me and my work. So you really have been getting Vietnam Flashbacks to some of the seasons past from this season? (Cut to James physically)

Well, certain movies being riffed, Yeah! (Cut to James as the MST3K Turkey Day Hymn is playing.)

Gotta go! MST3K Turkey Day marathon calls! Next Month Holiday shopping gift guide and year-end Top 10. Until then I'm James Faraci The Last Of The Americans and That's my opinion. (Cut to Joel Hodgson)

Joel Hodgson:
Well guys, James finished his list, What do you think guys? (Camera pulls back to show everyone on MST3K as they give the OKAY signal then everyone shouts "IT STINKS!" as the camera shuts off in the same manor of an MST3K episode.)