Tuesday, March 21, 2023

"Apes" & The End Of The End

(Camera turns on) 

James Faraci, Last Of The Americans, my opinions, possibly yours and those still out there. (James shows his handmade title card of a Nuclear explosion and the words “The End Of The World,” and James puts it on the desk.) YEAH! I’ve reached the end of the rope. Power is so limited that I must make this the quickest review I’ve ever done! In the nineteen sixties, there were enough Anti-Nuclear War and Post-Apocalyptic movies; the best one was “Planet Of The Apes,” which also happened to be a Sci-Fi movie. The audience and Producers wanted a sequel; the main star outside of the apes wanted nothing to do with it, compromises were made, a crazy plot, and the perfect ending for this type of movie. Let’s not waste time; this is “Beneath The Planet Of The Apes” (James puts the camera on the screen. James hits the play button.) 

TLOTA (V.O.):  
The movie opens with the ending and twist, moves on to another ship that crash landed as we meet with Taylor knock off Brent, played by James Franciscus. He meets with Nova as we see that Charleton Heston’s Taylor and Nova are traversing in the forbidden zone; as Taylor investigates some rocks that came out of nowhere, he disappears. Brent asks Nova to take him to Taylor. Instead, they go to Ape City as Gorilla General Ursus tells the crowd that the only good human is a dead one, and yes, the budget cuts are shown in most of the shots. One change that worked in the movie’s budget’s favor was that Roddy McDowall was unavailable to return as Cornelius; thus, they could hire a soundalike to play Cornelius. Cornelius and Zira find Brent and Nova and help Brent blend in. However, things go south as they’re captured by Gorillas and labeled Target Practice. Escaping thanks to Zira. Brent and Nova make it to a cave where Brent realizes the same thing Taylor did, THIS IS EARTH, POST NUKES, AND POSTHUMAN STUPIDITY!  As they go further, they discover the ultimate Doomsday Bomb and people that have mutated into skinless psychics that can control Brent to do anything they want. Soon after that, The Gorillas decide it’s time to make the humans in the Forbidden Zone extinct. Joining them for some odd reason is Dr. Zaius, who is an Orangutan. After some mind fuckery from the mutants, Brent finally meets Taylor; one of the mutants tries to use his mind controls to have Taylor and Brent slaughter one another. Nova surprisingly shouts Taylor’s name, breaking the mutant’s hold long enough to have Taylor and Brent kill the Mutant. Meanwhile, the Apes have found Mutant City, and they’re going on a slaughter that would make most of the massacres that used to happen when humans were around look meager in comparison. The head mutant raises the bomb as Nova is murdered by a Gorilla; Brent and Taylor decide that today is the end of the world, and they’ll do it! Taylor is shot down; Brent murders Gorillas as Taylor begs Zaius to help end it all but decides to press the button as Brent is slaughtered, and BOOM! Earth has finally died! (James pulls the camera away to him)  

PERFECT ENDING TO WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING! WE KILLED EACH OTHER; WE DESERVE THOSE WHO WOULD SUCCEED US TO BE KILLED BY THE NEANDERTHAL! If I had more time to discuss the bizarre and crazy story, the topical moments about the young are trying to say “STOP! We must do better, bring out the truth, and end the madness! If you’re a fan of the Apes movies, you’ll enjoy this classic and this movie (Power Flickers again). GOD DAMN IT! THAT’S IT! (James grabs the camera and carries it with him as he walks out of his room.) GUYS, I’m going out there to fix the busted wire that we thought we got taken care of the first time and without protection! (James puts the camera down as everyone screams and argues about James going out without protection.) GUYS! Listen to me; you guys have more than I do to live for, and I don’t. Which is why before I go out there, I bequeath the following to all of you, the title of “The Last Of The Americans,” and to Alex, I bequeath something else if the world hadn’t ended, something that we would’ve shared, my last name! (James and Alex kiss for the last time as he gives her his shirt and goes out with a flag bandana around his head after shaving his face of three months' worth of facial hair; he turns the camera to the door and screams as he goes through the safe door, closes it behind him. We see James looking around and see James Daniel Walsh, Rowdy, and Chad Narducci. Cut to James looking confused) 

Rowdy?! Boss?! CHAD?!  WHAT IN THE SAMUEL LANGFORD HELL IS GOING ON? If I’m dead from radiation poisoning and if this is heaven, I am in the wrong place. (Cut to Rowdy) 

James, where have you been? You look like hell! (Cut to James) 

The nukes! They were launched, and everyone out there is dead! Or at least they should be! (Cut to Chad Narducci) 

Chad Narducci: 
Are you telling me you thought the siren you heard was the sirens to signify that Nuclear Armageddon had begun and life on earth was over?! (Cut to James) 


James Daniel Walsh: 
James, the siren you heard was the weather emergency siren. (Cut to James) 

No! (Cut to the three nodding Yes, in unison. Cut to James) IT CAN’T BE! THE WORLD ENDED, DIDN’T IT?! (Cut to the three nodding No, in unison. Cut to James) YOU MEAN TO TELL ME I WAS IN THAT BUNKER SINCE DECEMBER, AND NOTHING HAPPENED?! (Cut to the three nodding Yes, in unison. Cut to James) YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?! (James sighs as it cuts to everyone walking out of the bunker with a look of disgust or anger towards James, with Paulo and Rebecca smacking him upside the head. As everyone has cleaned up and shaved from what has happened, James finalizes cleaning up the studio as everyone gathers in the lobby. Cut to James) 

Guys, I apologize for wasting time, money, and everything else since December. (Cut to the team.) 

Rebecca Yaun: 
James, we aren’t upset with what you did, but why did you react like that? 

Nick Yaun: 
What were you thinking? 

Paulo Fonsecca: 
Was there any point to “Bequeath” “The Last Of The Americans” to us and giving Alex your last name? 

Brenda Fonsecca: 
Are you going to defend yourself? (Cut to James) 

Let me turn this on, and I will explain myself. (James turns on the tv and joins the others as it cuts to stories of what is happening out there as James does a voiceover) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
We are at that mythical zero hour. The point where we are given a chance to either learn from our past and stop before we meet our demise, or we finally nuke ourselves and pray that the generations after us will forgive us for our stupidity.  We can’t wait anymore! We all must agree to total nuclear disarmament!  Christopher Reeve’s statement about us wanting peace has a new perspective since this war began. It’s clear that the evil in all the governments we have ignored is ramping up toward nuclear annihilation. No Government wants to give us peace on all of us unless they’re the Number one government! That mentality is killing people now and will continue to do so until we all say to every person in power, “NO MORE! NO MORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS! NO MORE LIVING IN FEAR OF US DYING FROM NUCLEAR RADIATION! NO MORE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION UNLESS YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO FACE SOMEONE WHO MAY AT ONE TIME HAVE SUPPORTED YOU OR MAYBE SOMEONE YOU CONSIDERED FAMILY OR MAY EVEN BE YOUR FAMILY AND LOOK DOWN THE BARREL OF A GUN AND SHOOT THEM IN COLD BLOOD! AND IF YOU CAN’T PULL THE TRIGGER, YOU SHOULD DO THE RIGHT THING AND SHUT DOWN YOUR NUKES! ONCE AND FOR ALL!” (Cut to everyone as they are shocked by what James has said.) 

I feel better, and what I said is not for the sake of myself but for my nieces and the generations after them! I want them to have a future; it may be too late for my generation, but not for them; I am begging you to disarm for their sake, not mine. And if you can’t or won’t, then let me ask you this as one human being to another. Can the blood you shed wash off the slaughter you want so you can win? Think about it. I’m James Faraci The Last Of The Americans & Those are FACTS! Not just opinion! 

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