Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Career in "Crisis"

(Scene begins with James in his office looking over the schedule) 

Jesus De Cristo! This schedule is a cluster of bad decisions that would be approved by Chicago Schmuck! I will have to wing it this year except for the Fall to Winter portion of this year. But where to turn to? Maybe something that everyone had slammed unrighteously, a classic that needs to be remembered, or something in the middle of the road. (James walks out of his office to an empty studio.) 

And with everyone taking a long overdue break, me still grieving the loss of everything I wanted to do, no one to suggest anything because the rest of the team I’ve given until September off unless I need them and former associates coming out of the woodwork to barbeque my ass and I have apologized for EVERYTHING I’VE EVER DONE, I am trapped. I need inspiration to get the rest of the year back on track. (James’ hand hits the remote, turning on The Blockbuster Buster’s “A Look Back @ The Arrowverse,” James sits as he watches and looks and nods.) Thanks, E-Rod! Play the Intro 

(Scene cuts to a smartwatch screen and a finger as it taps the screen and the 1994 American Gladiators plays as the scene cuts to a hand as it taps an app on his phone as it opens a portal, and it cuts to James and the characters he’s played until it cut to his face and the credit of “James Faraci” is shown as it cuts to “The Last Of The Americans'” current iteration then slides away to different images of Paulo Fonseca, Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca Yaun and Nick Yaun and the characters they’ve played until it cut to their faces and the credits of “Paulo and Brenda Fonseca & Rebecca and Nick Yaun” is shown and it then slides away to different images of John Ross and Mike Santos, Andrew Beach, and Ed Champion as the characters they’ve played until it cut to their faces and the credits of “John Ross Santos, Mike Santos, Andrew Beach, Ed Champion” is shown as it then slides away to different images of Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller and Olivia Horvath and the credits of “Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller, Olivia Horvath” is shown as the 0:00-0:21 mark of the theme song plays. Everything becomes a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the credits “Produced by First Choice Productions" “Executive Producers: James Faraci, Paulo Fonseca, Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca Yaun, Nick Yaun, Eric Kurtzke, John Ross Santos, Mike Santos, Renee Miller, Andrew Beach, Ed Champion & Olivia Horvath” “Editing by Eric Kurtzke and James Faraci” “Written and Directed by James Faraci” are shown as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an image of James as he jumps through the portal and lands with half of his team on his right. The other half on his left is on a black background, and the title “THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS” is shown Lazer etched into Titanium as the last six seconds of the American Gladiators 1994 theme song plays. Cut to James in his office) 

I'm James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans, and the views I'm about to express are that of my own and some of yours. For over a decade, the DC Live Action series was on the WB and its successor network, the CW. (Cut to clips of “Smallville” as James does a voiceover) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
The series “Smallville” lasted ten seasons and ended with an epic finale that ultimately ended with the feeling that it was worth seeing Tom Welling in that CG Superman suit, even just for that moment. While certain people and things haven’t aged well, I still love how it turned out and how it told the journey of a young Clark Kent into the Superman we all knew and loved. There was nearly a Batman series during its run, which eventually became two different events. (Cut to the posters of “Batman Begins” & “Gotham” and James said, “These two.” (Cut to clips of the Arrowverse as James does a voiceover.) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
After a brief break, new producers looked at an idea for a Green Arrow series originally meant for Justin Hartley’s Green Arrow. However, things had changed, and Hartley couldn’t reprise the role. So, the producers retooled the series and brought in a new Green Arrow actor, Stephen Amell. The new series, now titled “Arrow,” debuted in 2012 and was a ratings success from the start. Its second season introduces a young man named Barry Allen, played by Grant Gustin, and at the end of the mid-season finale of the second season of “Arrow,” if you know the history of comics, Barry Allen is struck by lightning. Soon enough, he debuted in his own series, “The Flash,” which resembled its comic book origins for the Silver Age Flash. The success of both series led to two more series; One starring Melissa Benoist as Kara Zor-El, AKA “Supergirl,” and the other one starring secondary characters from both “Arrow” and “The Flash” entitled “Legends Of Tomorrow” as led by the newly dubbed White Canary AKA Sara Lance played by Caity Lotz. (Cut to James physically) 

While crossovers did happen, there is one that, for many, is the pinnacle of their crossover glory. (Show the title card of “Armageddon” cut to James physically.) Seriously? I’m talking about “Crisis On Earth-X!" (Cut to the title card of “Crisis On Earth X” then to clips of “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover.) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
This was a crossover that showed DC COULD do a superhero project the right way. The fact that they couldn’t do it with their big-screen counterparts is still a sticking point for me as a DC Comics fan, especially their intellectual properties. But seven years after airing for the first time, does this special crossover still hold up? (Cut to James physically.) 

Let’s not waste any time; this is “Crisis On Earth-X." (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
We open on the eponymous Earth-X as a rebellion squad is wiped out by an archer with an attitude. This is Oliver Queen’s Earth-X counterpart as he discovers something that could help something to help the leaders of Earth-X rid themselves of that nasty 2+2=4 group! (Cut to James physically)  

In case you don’t know, I oppose people in control of Earth X. Do you know why I have hate mail delivered to me from them? Because I have done everything to remove a stigmatism that no one today can shake. If you’re a member of a certain party, then you’re considered Un-American; if you’re a part of the other party, then you are considered the same party that was the bad guys in World War II! I have tried to fight certain parts of the stigma of being in the latter’s party, yet the stigma still exists! Those in the media have the mentality that if we get rid of both the good and bad parts of that party, things will get better for everyone when it is not the case. They believe in the same stuff, the party that’s considered Un-American, but we have a different point of view, which is what we should have. I admit I agree with certain things from the party that is considered Un-American, and I can disagree with things in my party, and I can still be a good human, and... I’ve gone WAY off track when I should be talking about a TV Crossover. (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
We soon find ourselves in Central City as Barry Allen's “The Flash,” played by Grant Gustin, is taking on King Shark when Iris, played by Candice Patton, lets Barry know that not everyone has RSVP’d for a very important date, their wedding. We then find ourselves in Star City as we find the real Oliver Queen, aka The Green Arrow, played by Stephen Amell, as he is taking on ninjas when Felicity Smoak, played by Emily Bett Rickards, reminds Oliver about the fact that they have not RSVP’d for Barry and Iris’s Wedding. Oliver, barring any further attacks, RSVPs in a resounding Yes. We then cut to the Legends Of Tomorrow, played by Maisie Richards-Sellers as Vixen, Nick Zano as Steel, Tala Ashe as Zari, Caity Lotz as Sara Lance, Victor Garber as Professor Martin Stein, Franz Drameh as Jefferson “Jax” Jackson, Brandon Routh former big screen Superman turned into the character Ray Palmer, and Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory. Professor Stein informs the team that it’s time to go to Barry and Iris's wedding we cut to National City on Earth-38 in the multiverse as we see Kara “Supergirl” Danvers, played by Melissa Benoist, take down a dominator, as the DEO which was run by J’onn J’onzz The Martian Manhunter, played by David Harewood, watches on as Supergirl makes mincemeat out of the dominator. That night, Kara and her sister Alex, played by Chyler Leigh, commiserate over the fact that their good ship personal lives have not only hit a reef, but they’ve also sunk, and they’re just fine, having just drowned when Alex discovers the invite to Barry and Iris's Wedding. Feeling some need to get themselves out of the funk they’re in, Kara decides they will go to the wedding to find something positive after the accumulated negatives. With everyone now gathered at Central City, Iris and the other women, save for a few, decide to have a girl’s day together as Barry and Oliver do some tux fittings. Shouldn’t they have done that weeks ago? (Cut to James physically) 

At least I won’t have to worry about that anytime soon. (James looks down and feels sorry for himself. Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
Anyway, we find ourselves at STAR Labs as Harry Wells, played by Tom Cavanagh, Cisco Ramon, played by Carlos Valdez, and Caitlin Snow, played by Danielle Panabaker, work with Professor Stein and “Jax” to separate them from becoming “Firestorm” and they could have normal lives again. For Professor Stein, the sooner the better, he just became a grandfather, and wants to spend time with the baby, and his daughter Lily. Meanwhile, “Jax” wants to stay on board the Waverider to help the Legends. However, we don’t have time for any maudlin moments; it’s rehearsal dinner time as Joe West, played by Jessie L. Martin, gives a celebratory toast as Barry asks Kara to do him a favor, which we will get to. In the meantime, Alex and Sara decide to have a few and then enjoy each other’s company, as Oliver and Felicity ruin the whole evening by having one whopper of an argument. The next morning just so happens to be Barry and Iris's Wedding! (Cut to James physically)  

So when are they going to the alleyway to toss around a pigskin? Listen, I must make sure I make one reference to “The Room,” especially when a wedding is involved. It’s on my to-do list of jokes when it comes to certain things in what I review! (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
We soon see that Felicity and Kara spent the night together, as did Alex and Sara, and Mick spent the night with the Steins, for better and worse. Everyone makes it to the chapel Kara is worried that she has lost her sister in an alternate earth just as a server hands Barry a drink, and we see what the request is as Kara sings while Iris makes her way down the aisle. However, if Pro-Wrestling and other big shows like this are any indication, right about the point in which the Padre, who is played by The Greatest American Hero, asks, “If there is anyone here, who thinks these two should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold your peace.” is when the shit hits the fan! (Show the clip of the Earth-X Na**s as they begin their attack. Oliver says, “Na**s?!” and Kara and Ollie say in unison, “I hate Na**s!” Cut to James physically) 

Yeah, they might as well have directed it towards me! (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.):  
Sure enough, there’s a big brawl when the wedding bells are supposed to ring, and I admit I loved the fight. It is just so much fun and well-choreographed. (Cut to Sara and Alex being confronted by one of the Earth-X secondary Generals as he says, “Two Funerals, One Wedding!” Cut to James physically.) 

I’m more of a “Four Weddings & a Funeral” type of guy! (Total silence for three seconds) What, not even one cricket chirping? Not even a single “Boo!”? Wow, my career is really dead! (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
The battle ends with a stalemate and the capture of the secondary general that Alex and Sara fought, and Mick proclaims it “The Best Wedding Ever!” With the Secondary General being a doppelgänger of one of the members of Team Arrow’s family members, everyone else gets an exposition about the Multiverse and Earth-X as Earth-X is what our world would be like if World War II ended with the Bad Guys won it, told by Harry Wells, played by Tom Cavenaugh.  We’re then soon introduced to the leaders of the bad guys, who just happened to be played by Melissa Benoist, Stephen Amell, and Tom Cavenaugh, who is doing double duty as Eobard Thawne. (Cut to comic book stills of The Reverse Flash as James does a voiceover) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 
For those who thankfully avoided the whole Ezra Miller Spaz crap interpretation of “Flashpoint” and The Flash’s backstory. Eobard Thawne, AKA The Reverse Flash, started off as a fan of The Scarlet Speedster; however, that fan love turned into hate as he soon became upset about Barry Allen to the point when he gained access to the Reverse Speed force to kill Barry before he becomes The Flash, instead killing Barry’s mom and framing his father in the process. Barry becomes a CSI to figure out who the man who killed his mother and set up his father; he is struck by lightning and doused with Chemicals that connect him to The Speed Force, thus turning Barry Allen into The Flash. Since these events, Barry and Eobard have been tied together by fated moments. (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
Back to the special, Oliver tries to get information; however, the guy decides that offering himself is better than spilling anything. The evil Oliver feels that, but Overgirl tells him to focus on the eyes on the prize, which is a special prism. Why is that? We’ll find out soon enough as Felicity tells Team Arrow to be on high alert because the wedding may not have gone to plan. Oliver and Felicity briefly discuss what they’ve been through, where they are now, and the parallels between themselves and Barry and Iris. Eventually, Caitlin, Harry Wells, and Dr. Stein find the dimensional vibration of the Earth-X heads at the place where the prism is. Flash and Supergirl make it, but where’s Green Arrow? (Show the clip of Green Arrow as he drives up on his motorcycle and says, “Just a quick reminder, super-speed, I don’t have it!” Cut to James physically.) 

And after what you said last year during the SAG-AFTRA/WGA strikes, your ass doesn’t have a career or fan support! (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
After shooting Overgirl with the Kryptonite arrow, yeah, I agree with Kara on the good side of the thing; WHERE IN THE HELL DID YOU GET KRYPTONITE WHEN SUPERMAN AND SUPERGIRL DOESN’T EXIST ON YOUR EARTH?!? The Earth-X group gets the prism and causes a big enough distraction to cause the trinity, as they have been called rescue workers at a construction site. The brain trust thinks they may be making a neutron bomb with the prism, which means bye-bye, everybody! After getting a sample of Overgirl’s DNA and the radiation signal of the sample to find them. Meanwhile, Barry and Iris lament that they’ll never be rid of Thawne. However, Oliver tells them to hold on to the love they have and let it motivate them, just as Felicity lets them all know that they found Overgirl, leading to everyone getting their heads into the game. (Cut to the suiting up of the heroes' scene. Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
The main heroes make it to where Overgirl is with her soldiers. While the battle ends with Earth-X's soldiers besting them, it is another awesome battle as Earth-X Oliver invades STAR Labs, capturing Team Arrow, Killer Frost, Cisco, and Mick. Here, they discover that they need the prism to recreate the red solar radiation from Krypton to weaken both Kara and Overgirl so they can replace Overgirl’s heart with Kara’s. However, there are more pressing matters as the heroes that tried to stop Overgirl and Thawne send the others to Earth-X, AKA HELL, AKA the Earth that... (Cut to James physically as he shouts, “NOT GOING THERE!” Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
With everyone else occupied, Iris and Felicity must mount a rescue attempt, armed with only their wits and a few options; they handle themselves as best they can, given the circumstances. Meanwhile, on Earth-X, Oliver, Barry, and the others are rescued by a semi-familiar face and a new one as Citizen Cold, aka Leonard Snart, played by Wentworth Miller, and Ray “The Ray” Terrill, played by Russell Tovey, respectively rescue our heroes. They are taken back to rebel headquarters, where they meet up with Earth-X Winn Schott, who leads the rebels to finally end the nightmare. Getting one chance to return to their Earth, Alex convinces Winn to give them one shot to help and get out of there. Meanwhile, preparations for surgery begin, and it looks like the end of Kara. Back on Earth-X, plans begin as Dr. Stein and Jax have a great heart-to-heart about them being so close that they’re family, and this will come up later as one event happens that will affect everyone. The plan begins with Oliver dressing up like his Earth-X Doppelgänger. Meanwhile, Iris and Felicity get a signal out to the Waverider and the other Legends of Tomorrow, just as the heroes on Earth-X begin their assault of the base that has the dark version of the Waverider getting through a portal and a moment that still haunts me as Jax and Dr. Stein split from being Firestorm and Jax pinned down Dr. Stein is shot trying to save the day as The Flash and The Ray stops Winn’s overzealous attack with the Red Tornado. Getting back from Earth-X, the only way to keep Dr. Stein alive enough to get back is to form Firestorm back on Earth-One. Back on said Earth-One, the Legends of Tomorrow come in full force to send the Earth-X N***s back, rescuing Team Arrow, Cisco, and the others and eliminating the Earth-X Metallo. Back on the Waverider, as Gideon does what it can to heal Dr. Stein, combining has unfortunately put Jax’s life on the line. With no other option, Dr. Stein sacrifices himself to save Jax by having both take the formula to end Firestorm once and for all. Dr. Martin Stein, a good scientist who had grown since his early days on “The Flash” and then developed into a better human being as he joined The Legends Of Tomorrow, passes away from the attack. (Cut to James physically) 

And when that death happened, I felt the ONLY way I could get through the rest of the episode was to hold a lot of my emotions in because if I cried, I would not have gotten through the rest of it. It is NOT the first time I’ve seen this, but every time I see this because Dr. Stein’s death is so powerful that it affects me so emotionally that if I allow myself to cry when he flatlines, I cannot get through the ending. (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
After the death of Dr. Martin Stein, everyone rallies together for one final battle to stop the evil from Earth-X once and for all! While Oliver from Earth-X tries to have a last opportunity for what they want. Green Arrow tells his doppelgänger to DROP DEAD! BETTER YET, OLIVER AND OUR HEROES UNITED WILL GLADLY SEND THEM STRAIGHT TO THE GATES OF HELL WHERE THEY BELONG! And believe me, this battle is the definition of Epic Win! Between references to “Superman II” (The Lester Cut), Star Wars, Top Gun, and a classic on Atari (NOT “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial"), this remains one of the best Superhero fights outside of an MCU movie and just like the Earth-X Waverider is destroyed, Overgirl goes into overload. What to do? Ask Harry Wells. (Show a clip of Harry saying, “You need to fly up, up, and away! NOW!” Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
And she does with Overgirl exploding safely outside of Earth-One. (Show Oliver of Earth-X as his mask comes off a mass of text saying,Stephen Amell thinking his actions would have no repercussions for being anti-SAG-AFTRA/WGA during the strike.” “Green Arrow” with an arrow and the text “CANCELLED” on it striking Oliver of Earth-X dead.) With Steel rescuing a falling Supergirl. After Martin Stein’s funeral, is when I began to cry, everyone went home. (Cut to James physically) 

Wait what about Barry and Iris's wedding? (Cut to “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): 
Well thanks to John Diggle having been ordained to officiate weddings. Not only do Barry and Iris get married, but so do Oliver and Felicity. It's not too bad an ending, all things considered. (Cut to clips of “Crisis On Earth-X" as James does a voiceover)  

TLOTA (V.O.): “Crisis On Earth-X" was powerfully awesome. The pacing of the story is par excellence! The acting was at a perfect caliber for the material. The stories were perfectly balanced and executed to awesomely satisfying heights. While I recommend that you check it out, you see where everything was up to that point before watching it, so you know why this Crisis is worth remembering. (Cut to James physically.)  

And now that this is done, after an editorial about comedy, I am going to be doing my eleventh anniversary. Let’s see what was scheduled and see if I can do better. (James looks over his schedule.) Well, I might as well. I’ve got nothing to lose at this point. I’m James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans, and that’s my opinion! 

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