(Commercial Sting with of the American Gladiators first run's final season's ten seconds theme with James Standing next to Army Text saying The Last Of The Americans. Then a rubber stamp stamps over the entire thing the word Editorial with a turkey gobbling in place of the usual thud from the Rubber stamp)
I'm James Faraci The Last Of The Americans and the views I'm about to express are that of my own and some of yours. So I'm at the supermarket with my mom getting thanksgiving fixings. (Turkey in the straw plays in the background) You know what I'm talking about, the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, pie crust, green beans, pumpkin in a can, apples, the usual foods we associate with the holiday. But when I got home after putting away all the food, having prepared the menu for cooking and I want to sit down and watch a special on Thanksgiving, I'm inundated with more Christmas ads then I was at the store when they were playing Christmas carols! But that's not to say I hate Christmas, I love Christmas but not while I'm getting the thanksgiving turkey and having said that I've got two little requests. One) Can we please, please, PLEASE wait at least a few days AFTER thanksgiving to promote Christmas and Two) Can we get more Thanksgiving specials? It's not that big a request because quite honestly outside of the fourth of July, veteran's day & all the days celebrating our Armed Forces it's the most American holiday ever as a matter of fact it's the first American Holiday. Celebrated a year after the landed here by the Pilgrims who fled both England and the Dutch the first Thanksgiving was a 3-Day Al Fresco party that was celebrated in late September early October but was nixed the next year due to bad crops & after sending the British packing the 13 colonies got together to celebrate Thanksgiving and while a some of the founding fathers tried to give the holiday it's just due, it was the effort of Sarah Hale who wanted a holiday about home, hearth and food in other words Thanksgiving. In fact Abraham Lincoln got so much that he finally gave Sarah satisfaction and declared the final Thursday in November Thanksgiving until Franklin Delano Roosevelt wanted to widen the Christmas shopping season, yeah even back when F.D.R. was president they were Christmas shopping trigger happy mucked it up but public backlash put it right back and a week or two before Pearl Harbor congress sanctions the last Thursday in November Thanksgiving and it wasn't until a Saturday Evening Post cover by Good Ol' Norman Rockwell to make The turkey the Icon of Thanksgiving. Now you might be wondering how I know that, the answer is simple from a Thanksgiving special episode of Good Eats that aired on the Food Network and outside of The two Thanksgiving specials with Charlie Brown, a few specials that air on the History Channel and an all month glut of specials on both the Food & Cooking Channel we've got zipola in terms Thanksgiving specials or for that matter anything having to do with this holiday and that's a shame because the more we can connect to our past we can make our future better and the best way we can pass down what our forefathers did for us to the next generation and I think that's what Sarah Hale was going for and for her efforts I salute her and it is with that in mind that I beg, plead and cry that for more Thanksgiving specials because if we don't do it for us, then do it for the Next Generation. Well, I hope you enjoyed this editorial and I wish every one a Happy Thanksgiving. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an Apple Cider Turkey Brine to make. I'm James Faraci The Last Of The Americans & That's my opinion.
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