Monday, January 13, 2025

2025 "Deadpool" opens

(Scene begins as “Angel of the Morning” by Juice Newton plays in the foreground as the camera pulls back to see James Faraci The Last Of The Americans, getting thrown up into the sky as a group of letters spell out “First Choice Productions in association with presents” and James gets thrown through the letters and the camera moves to see Paulo and Brenda Fonseca back-to-back with a shocked look on their faces and the words “A worthless idiot’s review on Three “Deadpool” movies (One review being a “Different Cuts” of “Deadpool 2”), One review of the movie “Logan,” One review of the series “LOKI,” and some type of defense of “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” in a three month period.” The Camera moves to see James Faraci having landed on Doug Yaun, Nick, and Rebecca Yaun as the words “Starring, Written and Directed by The Worthless Idiot” land on James. The camera moves to Hunter Dino as she holds up the words, “A former Power Ranger possessed by the pissed-off spirit of a former mermaid.”  The camera moves to Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller, Olivia Horvath, and Andrew Beach having a meeting of the minds and the words under them saying, “Four of the Nine members of the cast and crew under James’ employment (The other five you saw as they were getting the crap flung out of them!).” The Camera then pans to Rowdy, screaming silently as he floats in the air and lands on the words “James’ longtime friend who will suffer James’ idiocy!” The Camera moves to see Hunter Dino's body slam James, Paulo, Brenda, Rebecca, Nick, Eric, Doug, Olivia, Renee, and Andrew, and the words “Produced & Executively Produced by Failures at Life and entertaining people.” The camera moves again to see James getting tossed onto the concrete floor as we see the words “Written and Directed by as mentioned above, what do people not read anymore?” land on James’ body as a pool of blood is shown to spell out “The Last Of The Americans then cuts to James being grabbed by the possessed Hunter Dino) 

Hunter Dino:
I will reclaim my tail and full powers even if I must shed the blood of everyone in your life! (A male voice is heard shouting “Triceratops” as Hunter turns to see the Blue Power Ranger hold her back but faces strong opposition from Hunter.) I believe the person called Hunter Dino knows who you are, David... Yost, I presume? (Cut to the Blue Ranger as the helmet comes off) 

David Yost:
Affirmative! I can’t let you harm James or Hunter, whoever you think you are. (Hunter grabs David by his Morpher and hoists him up!) 

Hunter Dino:
I am Aquafina! (Cut to David Yost as he starts to lose consciousness.) 

David Yost:
The Water or the Comedienne actress!  (Cut to Hunter Dino) 

Hunter “Aquafina” Dino:
Is there a water named after me? (Cut to David Yost) 

David Yost:
And a comedienne actress, though the spelling is different. (Mumbling is heard as Hunter drops David with him, screaming as he hits the floor and walks towards James again, lifting him up.) 

 Hunter “Aquafina” Dino:
Speak up; they might be your last words. (Cut to James as he points to his power driver.) 

Delta Level Attack! (A blast hits Hunter, knocking her out, and James immediately goes to a wall panel as it cuts to Hunter waking up and being confined to a 2ft x 2ft square of floor) 

Hunter “Aquafina” Dino:
Impressive, I see you mixed the incantations on how to contain a magical being with this modern science crap!  (Cut to David Yost as he powers down and walks towards Hunter) 

David Yost:
Hunter, if you can hear me, it’s Dave. If you can regain control, I will. (James coughs as the scene cuts to James nodding, “NO!” Then it cuts to David Yost.) James, if Hunter can regain control...  

Hunter “Aquafina” Dino (Audio only):
“If?” (Hunter laughs) “If?” There’s no “If” about it. Once my sisters, Marintina and Oceana, find where they are, who they are, and where I am, this will most likely give you that long overdue rest in peace you deserve, James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans! Oh, and I guess we can add “The Last Of The Faracis” as well.  

David Yost:
I guess it’s not happening any time soon. (A teleporting sound is heard as it cuts to the front door, and we see Linkara getting ready to tell James something.) 

James, I... (Linkara looks around as it cuts to his POV to see Hunter contained and all the carnage she incurred. Cut to Linkara as he walks to James and David Yost) Never mind, then. So, what are you going to do with her?  

David Yost:
Well, for now, Hunter is going to be contained. (Hunter “Aquafina” Dino shouts tauntingly, “NOT FOR LONG!” off-screen) that’s the plan for now. 

For now?! What about all those “If you fail to plan, then your plans will fail!” crap 

She caught me off guard! I mean, let’s face it, Mr. T didn’t save your ass the past few years, nor did he save mine! (Linkara and James argue with James, mentioning how work-shy Linkara has become and all the excuses of the 3D Printings, Game Streams, and Merchandising, and Linkara countering about how much James’ career deserved to die after everything he’s done! Cut to Hunter finding a chair to sit on and watch the two argue.) 

Hunter “Aquafina” Dino:
If only I had some popped seaweed, I could enjoy it better (Cut to James, Linkara, and David Yost as David tells James and Linkara to “Shut up!”) 

David Yost:
James, why don’t you do your review? Meanwhile, Linkara and I will try to figure out how to save her. 

Sounds good. (James walks into his office as David Yost's audio says, “How do you make Popped Seaweed?” Cut to James in his office, looking okay at best.) 

I’m James Faraci The Last Of The Americans and the views that I’m about to express are that of my own and some of yours. What else can be said except...” Deadpool!” (Cut to footage of “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” and all three “Deadpool” movies as James does a voiceover.) 

Created in part by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld, Deadpool’s movie career would and could’ve ended after the failure of “X-Men Origins: Wolverine, once test footage, which people claim to this day that Ryan Reynolds himself leaked about what a Deadpool movie would be like without the restrictions of the PG-13 Rating or other certain things that define the Comic Book movie industry. It helped save Ryan’s career after flop after flop in the early 2000s. And today, I start a three-month look at all three of the Deadpool movies, The movie “Logan,” The series “Loki,” and, of course, the movie that made the “Deadpool” movies happen. (Cut to James in his office as the audio of Hunter “Aquafina” Dino as she says, “That was mentioned in the introduction of the episode, James!”) 

I KNOW THAT! It’s a refresher for those who missed the intro. (Off-Screen Audio of Rowdy as he says, “Yeah, even though the intro was cool, people might’ve missed it because they were either laughing or cheering James and his friends getting the crap kicked out of them.” Off-screen audio of David Yost and Linkara saying, “Why and What the hell are you doing here?” Off-screen audio of Rowdy saying, “It’s been rough, and for James, it was a little rougher, especially since he lost a lot. His team thought James might be so dead inside it might as well make James not want to continue anymore.”) I’ll close the door as we get some Chimichangas and Blow Job shots and get into “Deadpool.” (Cut to “Deadpool” as James does a voiceover.) 

After our opening credits, which describe a lot of Hollywood movies and how they’re done, we soon find Deadpool, played by Ryan Reynolds, being Taxied around by Dopinder. Deadpool and Dopinder talk, become friends, and try to help Dopinder, telling him that the world tastes like Mama June after Hot Yoga without certain things (Voice of Experience on this) as Deadpool shows HOLY TOLEDO! (Cut to James physically) 

I get that, Deadpool. Under that mask, it looks terrible, but DAVALOSH! (Off-screen audio of Linkara as he says, “How does James know what Mama June doing Hot Yoga tastes like?” Off-Screen Audio of Rowdy says, “I think James is speaking metaphorically as that his life sucks as much as tasting the essence of that overgrown trailer trash who destroyed her family because she mistook her prized pig for a daughter and it tastes bad, and that James’ life has tasted that bad. I just broke an Internet Reviewer law, didn’t I? I’ll play the clip! Off-screen audio of The Joker shouting, “If you have to explain the joke, then there is NO JOKE!” Cut to “Deadpool” as James does a voiceover.) 

We soon find our villain of this piece, Francis, a mutant who goes by Ajax, played by Ed Skrein, as we see him creating mutant mercenaries for war profiteers, letting his employer know that he is altering his deal. As Francis heads on out, Deadpool realizes he’s got just a few weapons and no guns, which, from what has been said, was one of the caveats of this first movie being made, “Deadpool cannot use too many weapons at once but still kill his enemies.” (Cut to James physically) 

Hollywood dictates everything that happens, especially in our... (Off-screen audio of everyone shouting “OFF-TOPIC!) Sorry (Cut to “Deadpool” as James does a voiceover.) 

Armed with 12 bullets and two very sharp katanas, Deadpool quickly breaks the fourth wall, wondering how this movie got made and why he had to shake off Wolverine’s Junk! Just as we see him use Maximum Effort to land in an SUV filled with bad guys, we see how chaotic good Deadpool is at his job of destroying bad guys.  This gets the attention of Colossus, who, even though he was in how many X-Men productions at the time the movie came out? (A Ding is heard as it says, “Four Movies and Eight Cartoons [Adding the two anime into the mix]”) Hmm, not bad, yet not good. Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, played by Brianna Hildebrandt, team up to stop Deadpool. Colossus even says that he has tried to voluntarily convince Deadpool to join the X-Men, but seriously, Colossus, getting him to give up what he does best to be what you think is a good guy will help? Anyway, Colossus and NSTWH [And yes, I am abbreviating her name, I know, but there’s no way I am continually spelling her name all the time.] decide to grab Deadpool by force and make him an X-Man! Meanwhile, Deadpool gives a countdown of the bad guys he’s out to finish off. (Show Deadpool as he guns down the bad guys, and then shish kabobs one with his katanas and narrates how this shit went down.) We then cut to when Deadpool was former Canadian Special Forces Agent Wade Wilson turned Mercenary for Hire when he meets Vanessa, played by Morena Baccarin, who is a sex worker who falls in love over a year; the two are engaged however much life, is a shitstorm, Wade is hit with so much cancer it’s a miracle that he doesn’t look like what he does now! Speaking of now, we return to Deadpool, where he comes upon Francis and shows his handy work. Before he can further threaten Francis, Colossus comes to toss him back to the past we find Wade and Vanessa as she is trying everything under the summer sun and winter moon to help Wade. However, Wade is more honest about the odds of his survival, much like the last twenty-five years that this world has been for so many, “A Yakov Smirnov opening for the Spin Doctors at the Iowa State Fair Shit Show.” On a night away from her at the bar, the two met; Weasel, played by TJ Miller, tells Wade of a guy looking for Wade. Wade goes over to the guy who says I can help cure his cancer through a shit storm of treatments and give him special abilities. Considering his options, Wade decides to leave Vanessa and go through the procedures where he meets Francis and his firm and uber-powerful associate Angel Dust, played by Gina Carano, just as we return to our regularly scheduled meeting already in progress as Colossus says that he’s going join the X-Men one way or another.  Deadpool, however, points out that he is not a goody-two-shoes and that he doesn’t go after good guys like the X-Men but instead would gladly take guys like Henry Gyrich and give him the “Rogue dropping one of the creators of the Sentinels off a building in X-Men 97” treatment. During their talks, Francis escapes, and Deadpool takes it as well as he can by taking his frustrations out on Colossus, which goes as well as the last thirteen years! Wade escapes Colossus by losing a hand but leaving a bird behind for him. As we then go back to the treatments to try and cure Wade’s cancers, Wade begs not to have his suit either green or animated. The treatments begin by torturing the hell out of Wade and pumping him full of drugs to activate his mutation to heal his cancers and advance his healing abilities. With the treatments not working, Francis decides to pump Wade with more treatments in a hypobaric chamber, and while it works, it also turns him into his current state. Looking in rather rough shape, Wade escapes but, with him in his current state, keeps his distance from Vanessa. Showing his current state to Weasel, it’s here that Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool; cue a violent montage that leads us to Deadpool just after the opening credits! (Cut to the montage of moments of Deadpool trying to find Francis. Cut to James physically.) 

Leave it to those who worked on “The Joe Schmo Show” to make something like this movie. (Cut to “Deadpool” as James does a voiceover.) 

Feeling angry about the fact that because Colossus and NSTWH provided enough of a distraction for Francis to escape and lose a hand in the process, Deadpool comes back to his apartment where he hangs out with Al, played by legendary actress Leslie Uggams where not only they work on Ikea Furniture, Deadpool sulks about how he looks terrible... (Cut to James physically) 

Okay, yes, I get that he’s not that good-looking. Guess what? This mug might be appealing, but guess what? It doesn’t get women! At least you still sound like Ryan Reynolds; that is something you can gloat about! (Cut to “Deadpool” as James does a voiceover.) 

As that happens, Francis lets in that the big pain in his ass in his job is Wade “Deadpool” Wilson and finds Weasel, who tells Wade what Francis’ plans of revenge are by going after Vanessa, who has gone back to work at a strip club where Stan Lee is DJing, and why not? He did a lot until 2019; let him enjoy it; his wife wouldn’t mind. However, Wade does mind when Francis comes a-knocking and takes her. Pissed off even further than before, Wade decides to load up with enough guns and ammo to make Ted Nugent happier than any man ought to be, to make Francis pay. Both Al and Weasel tell Wade that he’s going to need back-up, and since both Al and Weasel are comedic relief, he comes a-knocking at a certain upstate NY mansion that doubles as a school for the gifted where, of course, he tells both Colossus and NSTWH since they cost him Francis, they owe him to help, sure enough, the two join him as Dopinder picks them up and he has his romantic rival in the trunk. Cue the music as Deadpool, NSTWH, and Colossus roll up to take Francis down, sans all the weapons he loaded up except for the swords and the few rounds of ammo he still has, Colossus, Nega-Sonic Teenage Warhead, and, of course, Maximum Effort. Colossus tries to be a gentleman towards Angel Dust, but she decides to take the fight to Colossus as NSTWH does what she can to help as best as she can to help both the boys out, and this fight is everything I expected from Deadpool! Even when this happens (Show the moment in which Chicago with Peter Cetera's “You’re the Inspiration” as we see how wacky things are in Wade’s Cerebrum as the fight continues.) Eventually, things go even further south than they have been as Wade calls upon his ultimate weapon Maximum Effort to keep Vanessa safe while shit goes sideways. Vanessa is rescued from everything going wrong; however, Francis decides to press the fight even further until Francis tells Wade there’s no way he can fix Wade’s face. Colossus tries to stop Wade from doing the only sensible thing to the one person who no longer serves a purpose, and putting him down like Old Yeller is the only justice, saying that letting him live is what will make him a hero. Still, Deadpool shoots him anyway because, let's face it, Francis was probably going to weasel his way out of the life-and-a-half sentence a bastard like him deserves. Wade finally reconnects with Vanessa, and Vanessa finally sees that with a little liquid libation, he can put up with what Wade looks like, and with a “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”-esque post-credit sequence, the movie ends. (Cut to James physically) 

And that was the first Deadpool movie! Damn it if it doesn’t hold up! (Cut to every clip I can get into one montage from “Deadpool” as James does a voiceover) 

The humor holds up even as the fourth wall is not only demolished, but is ground into sand, mixed with salt to never bear any life again, then burned to ashes, and used as a shitter, and that was just about the easiest that it gets. The violence, while many think is unnecessary, is what I expected from a Deadpool movie.  If you haven’t seen it, then what in the ass is... (The R Rating quickly pops up for James, and James says, “Oh Yeah! Not for everyone. My bad.” The footage is restored without the R Rating over it, and James continues his voiceover.) Okay, so I’m not recommending it for someone under eighteen unless they understand what is going on. But I do suggest that people get a good cathartic laugh, especially when everyone uses Maximum Effort. (Cut to James physically.) 

This led to certain Comic Book movies getting made and a round of R-rated films that did well for what they’re worth. One of them should’ve been the end of two characters had it not been for certain things. I am not reviewing one movie, but not because it’s worth being reviewed, but it’s not in the theme. The other one is, I’m James Faraci The Last Of The Americans, and That’s my opinion. (James walks away as the scene fades to black.) 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Top Ten Behind The Scenes Stories from "The Last Of The Americans"

(The scene begins with a finger tapping an app on a smartwatch as it opens a portal, and the 1994 American Gladiators plays as the scene cuts to a hand, and it cuts to different images of James as the characters he’s played until it cuts to his face and the credit of “James Faraci” is shown as it cuts to “The Last Of The Americans'” current iteration then slides away to different images of Paulo Fonseca, Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca Yaun and Nick Yaun and Doug Yaun as the characters they’ve played until it cut to their faces and the credits of “ Doug Yaun, Paulo and Brenda Fonseca & Rebecca and Nick Yaun” is shown as it then slides away to different images of Andrew Beach, Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller and Olivia Horvath and the credits of “Andrew Beach, Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller, Olivia Horvath” is shown as the 0:00-0:21 mark of the theme song plays. Everything becomes a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the credits “Produced by First Choice Productions. Edited by Eric Kurtzke and Paulo Fonseca. Written and Directed by James Faraci” as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an outlined image of James as he morphs into “The Last Of The Americans” and lands with half of his team on his right. The other half on his left is on a white background, and the title “THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS” is shown Lazer etched into Titanium as the last six seconds of the American Gladiators 1994 theme song plays. Cut to James sitting in his office) 

I'm James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans, and the stories you're about to hear are some of the craziest events that happened while making these reviews. That's right—these events occurred while doing these reviews, and the stories told are by the people there! Brace yourself for ten of the craziest and most outrageous Behind The Stories from the eleven years of The Last Of The Americans.

 (Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and the words Ten best on top of the logo and at the bottom are the words Behind The Scenes stories and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

10) The Mighty CrusadeThe Day Of  The Hero (The whole story), and The End Of Mankind (The whole story) (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Holy Shit, those three tied? Well, where to start? I Better start at the beginning. It was right after the second of the trilogy made by those fegulahs. I told the asshole (Doug Walker) about this idea I had been working on for years as a project for him and his team at that time, and he was interested. (Cut to Lewis "Linkara" Lovhaug)

Lewis "Linkara" Lovhaug:
The first thing James did after contacting Doug was to contact me, Allison, Phelan, Paul, Kaylyn, Mathew, and everyone he could find and tell us his idea. I wanted to keep the anniversary movies going even when we were together on that site; however, Doug wanted to get "To Boldy Flee" done first. (Cut to Allison Pregler-Porteous and Phelan "Phelous" Porteous)

Allison Pregler-Porteous:
I remember James talking to us about giving us more screen time, allowing us the ability to adlib, etc

Phelan Porteous:
One thing James gave me credit for was being great with the computer effects to make the project look less than the nickel-and-dime bullshit that someone would find at a dollar store. (Cut to Mathew Buck)

Mathew Buck:
James had me in mind to be in a storyline in which I was trying to come to terms with The Critic's passing and everyone still treating me like "The Kid" of the team as if I was utterly helpless, which in real life is not the case, (Cut to Erod, The Blockbuster Buster)

I was just a newbie member then, but James wanted me as a secondary character for this project because he liked my work. (Cut to Christy Romano and Annelise Van Der Pol on the set of "Big Names.")

Christy Romano:
James had made out a check for me with Channel Awesome's watermark. It said "Mermaid/Acting Services Rendered," and it was three times the usual residual from a Kim Possible episode rerun and twice an Even Stevens rerun residual.

Annelise Van Der Pol:
So it was a good payday.

Christy Romano:
Hell no, it was just so I could get him out of my life. He is a nice guy but can be a pain in the ass. He said he was working on it as a project for me to be my breakout project. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
And I was two-thirds of the way through re-writing it to fit into the same model they were used to without The Nostalgia Critic; that's when Doug started to screw me over. (Cut to "The Review Must Go On" as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
I had not gotten word about Doug's return to The Nostalgia Critic, and when I saw "The Review Must Go On," I dropped at least a hundred f-bombs when I saw it, and that meant all that work, while not entirely down the drain it really meant that I had to rework everything I could. (Cut to Mathew Buck physically)

Mathew Buck:
James sent me an E-mail with a video saying that he had to change the story arc because of The Critic's return. James was apologetic throughout the entire video. And James, if you're watching, I accepted the apology years ago; please stop starting every production meeting when we work together with "I'm Sorry!" Everything is okay. (Cut to Chris Lee Moore)

Chris Lee Moore:
It was an interesting shoot because James took the reigns behind the scenes when we started production. (Cut to Christy Romano and Annelise Van Der Pol.)

Annelise Van Der Pol:
Now, were there guys there when you got your fins and tail?

Christy Romano:
The only guy allowed to be there was Thom Shouse, who designed the tail and top; James made sure the rest of the team was female. (Cut to behind-the-scenes photos of Christy Romano becoming Emmalina as a mermaid behind the scenes as Christy Romano does a voiceover)

Christy Romano (V.O.):
James had heard that it would take hours separately for me to get made up with the hair, makeup, and tail. However, James said that he wanted A) Female make-up artists to work on the mermaid costume team and me to see if they can work in synchronistic timing and B) to get me as comfortable on-screen and off.  (Cut to Christy and Annelise physically)

Annelise Van Der Pol:
What happened when you needed to do your business?

Christy Romano:
There were adult diapers; thankfully, the tail was easy to get in and out of, enough for me to use a toilet when needed. (Cut to Todd In The Shadows.)

Todd In The Shadows:
All our problems while working on the last few projects were immediately present. However, James became our voice; even when Doug, Rob, and Mike blew James off, he made his presence known that he was not going to fall in and would continue speaking for the rest of us, and he was going to be getting what we wanted to have happen in the production. (Cut to a clip of James saying that we need craft services and water and Mike Michaud blowing James off and James confronting Mike Michaud and James saying that all Mike had to do was pay James' brother for his services and James cursing at Mike. Mike Michaud got angry and almost made physical contact which allowed James a Will Smith to pimp smack Mike Michaud, and then Mike had to be restrained as Mike Michaud called James a R-----, which sent James' then live brother Rob to stand and curse Mike out. Cut to Todd In The Shadows.) Yeah, James has his family to back him in case he needs help, and even when they're not, James makes it clear he's not one to be fucked with. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Working with Doug Walker was about as impossible as Chinese Arithmetic. (Cut to James and Doug Walker having a disagreement as James says, "I must speak fucking Hebrew or some shit!" Doug replied, "I heard you, James. Just trust me." Cut to Allison Pregler-Porteous and Phelan "Phelous" Porteous)

Phelan "Phelous" Porteous:
James edited one scene, and we liked it; Doug didn't, and he re-edited it to be more humorous. James didn't like it and went on a tirade against what Doug had done. I was sure Doug would need many colostomy bags after James got through with him. (Cut to Christy Romano and Annelise Van Der Pol)

Christy Romano:
I sided with James on what I felt needed to be done, and Mike Michaud threatened to fire me because I agreed with everyone else's wishes. James and Brendan said that if Michaud did fire me, they'd file a whopping lawsuit, citing unlawful termination. 

Annelise Van Der Pol:
What? Shut the front door!

Christy Romano:
And that kept Mike's mouth shut. (Cut to Kaylyn Saucedo)

Kaylyn Saucedo:
James is the nicest guy and stepped up to protect and speak up for many of us. (Cut to Mathew Buck)

Mathew Buck:
Many people I've met in this business have a "Hello, how are you, etc.." and with James, it's "Hi." Like we were old mates from schooling catching up. (Cut to ERod, The Blockbuster Buster)

James is like that brother you want to have who is nice and warm when he greets you; he'll play around and let you know what he's doing. When we are on the job, James works an extra hour longer than others, and he is highly professional, with the odd prank to give us a break when the work day gets long. (Cut to behind-the-scenes moments where James punks Doug Walker, and Doug doesn't see it as everyone laughs. Cut to a behind-the-scenes moment in which James & Chris Lee Moore (Rowdy) spiking Doug's drink with enough hot sauce and Horseradish to burn iron, Doug drinking the beverage and then screaming in pain. Cut to Kaylyn sitting down on a whoopie cushion. Kaylyn sits on her mark, smiles, and says, "Good one, James." Cut to Allison Pregler-Porteous and Phelan "Phelous" Porteous.)

Phelan "Phelous" Porteous:
James is similar to George Lucas, yet different enough. If he liked something I did with the digital effects, he smiled and told me I was on to something good. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
About six months after "Crusade" was completed, Michaud sent an Email Stating, "Okay, we need the first draft for the sequel," and I replied, "What?" and then I panicked for a moment and figured Mike Michaud was rock stupid, which, thankfully, he is. I had done some work, and Noah Antweiler was back somewhat in good graces as far as Mike Michaud was concerned. Michaud told me to write Spoony, but he never specified my dialogue with Spoony. Around that time of a mini exodus, a person with a yellow hat who, while "Crusade" was in production, was looking at my twin nieces WAY too closely ended himself. I wanted to hire a new actress to play Emmalina because I chose to be the nice guy and let Christy Romano be free of me. (Cut to Christy Romano and Annelise Van Der Pol)

Christy Romano:
James called me and said, "Christy, a part of me would LOVE for you to stay on, but if you don't want to work with me, I understand." That is how friendly James is; he gave me the option to work with him on future projects, and I said I would like to, but not at the same level as "Crusade," so that led to James writing out "Emmalina" from the other two of the three projects and led to where I am now. (Cut to Lea Michele)

Lea Michele:
I met James while he was in California while he was working on something, and I was on break from "GLEE" around the time Corey Montieth, my then-boyfriend, died. He said that what he was working on would be helpful in the healing process, and thankfully, he was partly right because I could play something more idyllic than how I was at the time. (Cut to Chris Colfer)

Chris Colfer:
James was very insistent on me making references to James being an N--i because of his association with the Republican party, but that was not even close to who James was as a person when Mike Michaud called me an F--got; James almost went postal on the guy and I said to James "I could defend myself against assholes like him." and James' response was "I am atoning for sins I did against the LGBTQIA+ Community because I had disavowed a cousin of mine for being LGBTQIA+, I have reconnected with my cousin, and I love my cousin the way I love my family, so know that I am the straight ally that will throw down with you against the haters and the neanderthals." and at that moment, I felt that I knew the real James Faraci. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "The Day Of The Hero" as Chris Colfer and Lea Michele do voiceovers.)

Chris Colfer (V.O.):
We saw Bruce Campbell on set, and I was in love. Everyone was fanboying him, asking him questions about everything, including "The Evil Dead" movies, "Hercules" and "Xena," "Burn Notice" and all of his other film and TV work. James was professional enough to wait until filming was over before doing all the usual fanboy work, and I remember seeing a ticket inside his costume. Bruce told me, "Doug is such an unprofessional asshole that the second filming is done, and I am wrapped; I am out of here. Nothing against the rest of you, but if I ever work with Doug Walker again, it will be because I had done a do-it-yourself lobotomy with a chainsaw!"

Lea Michele (V.O.):
I remember Mike Michaud trying to be nasty to me, and James wouldn't let him get away with it. I admit I was a diva behind the scenes of "GLEE," but I had my reasons, and James let me know that the diva act wouldn't fly while we were working together. Mike Michaud threatened to "Slap my Ass and fire me if I didn't do what he asked of me." James stepped up, and there was a near fistfight between James and Mike. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
I looked over the contract after we had finished "Hero," before I got to work on the final of the three, I discovered a clause that would allow me total control of the final project. I told Mike I was exercising that clause, and one of the things I did know that I had control of the finale was to ban him from being on set and being near the project in any way; I am directing this, and whatever I said would go. (Cut to Chris Lee Moore)

Chris Lee Moore:
James has a "Three-take" rule when filming. The First take would be a lot looser, the second one had to be the ones where we were more professional, and if they took that third take and didn't work, James would always take whatever he could from the first two takes and work it out; otherwise, he would have to tell them that we need to shorten the lunch break to get the shot right and it would come out of their pay. It's one of the multitude of times James had to crack the whip because when Doug directed them, they did it with a "(Ugh) I hate this asshole!" James layed down the law and cracked the whip, but he was twice as hard on himself. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
As a director, you have multiple jobs, especially if you're acting in the project. As much as Autopiloting when you make a movie might be easy, it only sometimes means it works or will be good. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "Mankind" as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
Multiple scenes were shot on the same day at the same time, so if anyone noticed that certain people had cameras while we were filming, that was because I paid them an extra hundred dollars to help with the filming. I also ensured that certain movie portions were filmed, especially when I wanted to avoid working with certain people. I also used the script to ensure it sounded the way it should. (Cut to Lewis "Linkara" Lovhaug)

Lewis "Linkara" Lovhaug:
James's style differed from Doug's because he was willing to listen to us, especially when we went upstate towards Rome, Herkimer, and the Hamlets in that area. James ensured that we knew what we were into when we arrived in that area. (Cut to Lea Michele)

Lea Michele:
We recorded all our lines the way James thought they should sound in a travel trailer to make sure that even though we would have a generator muting a lot of the dialogue when we were in the Hunting Camp, James had gotten access to film for that weekend and that we would be back by Monday. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "Mankind" as Lea Michele does a voiceover)

Lea Michele (V.O.):
James and I also decided to work out the story so it would end the way it did because I did find a person I fell in love with, and James was okay because of his professional attitude towards how he wrote the scenarios. I remember when we finished the moments in which James and I had to meet each other after the events in the project's finale, James was okay while filming. I heard from his mom that James cried hours afterward until the following day and that James' father told him that it would be fine after a few months without her on your mind; the next time I saw James was when he was working on his musical review for "The Producers" and wondered if I would cameo. He asked nicely, which was why I did that and the cameo for the "X-Men Days Of Future Past; Different Cuts." (Cut to Lea Michele)

Lea Michele:
I hope James is the best in his professional and personal lives. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Working on these projects was the equivalent of enjoying the Stockholm Syndrome you suffered while being kidnapped.

(Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

9) Jim vs Jem
(Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
My initial reaction to reviewing it was simple, There was NO way in hell I would do it! Then Traci Hines and I were working on a review when I noticed Traci in another review. (Cut to Traci Hines)

Traci Hines:
James showed me the review of the 2015 "Jem And The Holograms" by The Blockbuster Buster. James became inspired to have me play Synergy from the Jem And The Holograms cartoon for the review when he and I saw this. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Pre-pandemic, the shooting schedule was three days. The first day was the bulk of the review. The second would be the sketches, and the third would be the day to fix any mistakes. (Cut to Eliza Dushku)

Eliza Dushku:
We were about to film day one when James made a mistake that cost us a day. (Cut to the Day One of "Jem And The Holograms"(2015) review of everyone just shocked and unsure of what to do as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
I found a video of Eliza's old "Bring It On" Co-Star Kirsten Dunst singing "Turning Japanese," we didn't know how to react. We just stood there for a day wondering what we watched, and by the time we were coherent again, I had enough time to set up a modified schedule for Days Two and Three. (Cut to James physically)

James Faraci:
And we had no time for any mistakes. So, if any were made, they were honest mistakes. (Cut to Traci Hines)

Traci Hines:
James met Olivia while on the live Facebook streams of the CONtv. (Cut to Olivia Horvath)

Olivia Horvath:
What interested me about James was his desire for accuracy. I started working with James in early July 2016, starting with him on the "Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie" review. When James said he wanted me to be a part of the series, I immediately said, "Absolutely." (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Like everyone else, Olivia has been vital, and I always do my best to let them know that they mean everything to the series and me.

(Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

8) "Breaking" The Curse of "The Twilight Saga" (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
I remember meeting Paul while working with those guys, and at that point, he was burning out, and his wife Elisa was warming up as "The Maven Of The Eventide" (Cut to Elisa Hanson-Schuler)

Elisa Hanson-Schuler:
James wanted me to work with his friend Chris "Rowdy" on a Halloween Crossover on his series "TV Trash" for a review of a vampire-based series. There were too many to count, and I didn't want to film on my wedding day. James said, "We'll film it before you leave." but again, schedule conflicts happened, and I said, "I'll film, and you can film and edit it in time for your October work." Then came the fact I was expecting my son, and we did what we did, and so when it was finally time for me, Paul, and my son to travel safely, we had finished filming the third of James' trilogy, and James said to everyone if we can stay a few days more and we were all willing to wait. (Cut to Eliza Dushku)

Eliza Dushku:
James met Traci and me at a convention. He said, "I'm James Faraci, and I wanted to wonder if you would join me for a review series I am doing called The Last Of The Americans. " This series films in blocks, and it would allow me and everyone else to work for a few months together. The rest of the time would belong to me for whatever I wanted. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part Two" review as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
While in Monticello, NY, I discovered what is now "Marshall's." Back then, it was an abandoned movie theater. I shared my memories of watching movies there, including my experience with "Twilight." with everyone there. (Cut to James telling about how people in the theater were groaning over the movie being bad, and the rest were having sex while the movie played, and it left many of the people who had heard it laughing, including ERod, who laughs until he breaks, for a couple of minutes on screen. Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
 We had the most elaborate moment up to that point, which was the final fight based on "Blazing Saddles." (Cut to Jon "JonTron" Jafari)

Jon Jafari:
James said, "You know, because of that distinct voice you have, I think you'd make a great director for the scene I had in mind." (Cut to Asaliari)

I had gotten on James' bad side when I called out "Rowdy" for being annoying, and James gave me all sorts of cain for it. However, James regretted it and said I might need you elsewhere. Before I knew it, James told me, "You're going to kick JonTron in the nuts." (Cut to the practice take of Asaliari saying, "Piss on you! We're with James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans!" and JonTron screaming "Not in the face!" and Asaliari actually kicking JonTron in the nuts and he collapses and James cuts it as he sees JonTron coughing up blood. Cut to Asaliari). It was something I was not yet proud of. I've wanted to kick someone in the nuts; I just didn't think that it would hospitalize someone for a day or two. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
I remember thinking that if I had seen "Breaking Dawn Part Two" in theaters, the sketch of one of my friends torching the theater wouldn't have been a sketch, and I would be in prison for destroying a movie theater. However, I loved filming this one.

(Cut ERod continuing to laugh uncontrollably, cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

7) The Top 13 Charmed Episodes (Cut to Holly Marie Combs)

Holly Marie Combs:
Shannen Doherty called me, Alyssa, Rose, and Brian about appearing on a review for a cold opening for something called "The Last Of The Americans." I was intrigued by what we were given, that is, until we heard about Allison Pregler, and I thought to myself, isn't that the annoying ass bitch who made me sound ridiculous? And James told me she would be on her best behavior while on the set with you guys. (Cut to Brian Krause)

Brian Krause:
James made sure that the sooner we got it right, the smoother the production would be, and to my surprise, he was right. (Cut to Rose McGowan)

Rose McGowan:
I remember reading my side, and while it encapsulated where I was then, I had to ask about my last lines: Why is it repeatedly just Blood and Kill? James said, "Rose, everyone thinks you're a cuckoo when the truth is that you are doing what you need to heal your pain, so you're going feral after breaking out of your confines and trying to kill me because I'm a guy, is a part of that healing process!" Even when I was at that point in my life, I would never basically kill a man unless it was one perv in particular. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
I didn't know then that it would be one of the last united performances of the core cast from "Charmed," I'm talking about Brian, Holly, Rose, Alyssa, and Shannon in the same place. (Cut to filming of the Cold Opening of "The Top 13 Charmed Episodes" as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
I also knew Allison Pregler would be in town for another job, so I asked if you had a few hours to film the cold opening. I told her what I wanted from her as long as the core cast of Charmed was on the set. (Cut to Allison Pregler-Porteous and Phelan "Phelous" Porteous)

Allison Pregler-Porteous:
I was in town when I saw all the cast members of "Charmed," I said, "I am available to be there for an entire day of filming, and James told me to behave myself because they were aware that if I were to act the way I did when I was when I talked about the show, I would not have the appearance. Which I did, by the way. (Cut to Holly Marie Combs)

Holly Marie Combs:
I was so glad James brought us together one last time. It was worth spending time together outside of the podcasts and convention appearances.

(Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

6) The Lost Review: Professor Monstrous' Sing-Along YouTube Video (Cut to Johnny Berchtold)

Johnny Berchtold:
I remember James pitching the idea of me playing a "Doctor Horrible-esque" character and that there would be a musical review in the vein of "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog." That was at the tail end of 2018, and it would take time to get it right. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "PMSAYTV" as James Faraci does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
The plan was that in 2020, I would direct the musical and work on the movie. Those two things didn't happen, and I was forced to hold off on the film for a while; when we got back to work in 2021, I decided to direct the review and that the movie would be in developmental hell, leading to where it is right now. Knowing I had very little faith in those who had worked with Alex in the past, I did whatever I had to do to get the bulk of the review done so I could edit the Fercockt thing. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Of course, Chad Narducci was an irritant on par with being around loud construction equipment at least six inches away from your eardrums. (Cut to Chad Narducci)

Chad Narducci:
James and I were fine outside of work, but it was terrible when we had to get to work together. (Cut to James and Chad as the two argue on the set of "PMSAYTV" as Chad Narducci does a voiceover)

Chad Narducci (V.O.):
While we argued, we eventually found ourselves laughing about what it was after filming. It was never a nasty situation we couldn't have worked out. We were under time and financial constraints, which made things complicated, but we cooled off after the filming wrapped, which made our working relationship good enough for us to do what needed to get done. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
When I saw what had happened when it was done and we finally posted it, I received comments saying, "Congrats, you made one of the worst reviews since "The Nostalgia Critic's The Wall" review." and "This is an hour I am not getting back!" Yeah, it was not good! It's not something I ever want to talk about again!

(Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

5) The Two Part musical review of "The Producers" (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
My initial idea was to play "The Last Of The Americans" version of James as the "Leo Bloom" of "The Producers," and Eric was going to be the Max Bialystock in the review. However, I also had a berth of plenty of local talent, as well as the cast and crew of "Life As A Mermaid." and bringing in talent from for the review. (Cut to Antoni Matteo Garcia)

Antoni Matteo Garcia:
Having seen James' reviews, I felt honored to be a part of his "Power Rangers (2017)" review, I said, "If you ever need me for any future reviews, let me know, and I will help out." and James immediately said "I need help with something, I just finished working on two musically based reviews. One was based on "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," and the other one was for "The Producers."" James asked me which one I would like to work on the most, and I chose "The Producers." I saw the role of Calvin Chia, and I was excited. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "The Producers" review as Antoni and James do voiceovers)

Antoni Matteo Garcia (V.O.):
I remember meeting James' cousin Circe and someone just being obscene to her, and James threatened to beat the guy within an inch of his life if he did that again. I think it was Campbell who was like that, and having worked with James on the "Power Rangers (2017)" review, I thought he was short with bigots, racists, and basically the scum of humanity. I wondered why, and he told me about how his political beliefs; while Conservative towards certain things, including guns and nature, however, if something is morally wrong, like treating someone or something inhumanly, James would be the first one to call them out for their attitudes and would fire them. 

James Faraci:
My cousin Circe and I rehearsed every time she'd hit me with the tail, so even though it hurt, it wasn't as bad as it looked. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
One day, while we were filming, Circe asked, "Why are you taking so many hits from me and the other stereotypes that you asked me to help show in a positive light?" and I said, "I am paying for my sins against you and the LGBTQIA+ Community and every hit I get, it is me paying for a fraction of the sins." I also remember just so much of the shoot being very tough. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of/ Deleted Scenes of "The Producers" review as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
We had to cut A TON of footage out just to get it to the two-parter point. I was half coherent while working on the ending. Thankfully, I did have my attorney to help be my legal aide in creating the crowdfunding project and how someone could do that. (Cut to Antoni Matteo Garcia)

Antoni Matteo Garcia:
Helping James direct and work as an on-screen entertainer was an experience I will never forget.

(Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

4) The Fox Kids Review (Cut to Chris Lee Moore)

Chris Lee Moore:
I wanted to do a "Disneycember-esque" retrospective on "The Disney Afternoon" until Doug Walker trashed it by reviewing it in one review! (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci: 
I was trying to talk Chris off his ledge when I suggested "The Fox Kids" for a review in the same vein as Doug's. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "The Fox Kids" review as James and Chris do voiceovers.)

Chris Lee Moore (V.O.):
Getting my mom, James' mom, and Paulo and Rebecca's mom in the same room was a unique experience. James' mom, Paulo's, and Rebecca's mom knew each other from church, and my mom had many of the same thoughts when it came to us working together, which was an enjoyable experience. Filming took half a day because it was basically the body of the review was set in the lobby with that horseshoe-shaped couch, which I heard James had worked with a local upholsterer to make it easy to put into that shape and, if need be broken down into smaller parts. Seeing it was an interesting sight.

James Faraci (V.O.):
This one had the least mistakes on screen and behind it. We did talk about whether or not to talk about that Power Rangers film with Katie Sackhoff and James VanDerBeek, but I felt that it would age the review if we didn't say what it was we needed to say by that point; it would never get said. In doing so, we had to rewatch it for the sake of the "Fox Kids" Review. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
One of the things I was glad to say is that we beat Doug Walker to reviewing it. I will have this on my wall of success, which is insignificant. Still, it is a good enough wall of success.

(Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

3) The "Power" of The Internet (Cut to James Faraci)

That's an interesting transition, going from Fox Kids and the 2015 "Fanslashfic" Power Rangers movie to the 2017 movie that was okay at best. I had thought it would be as divisive as the 2016 "Ghostbusters: Answer The Call." so I decided to treat how the fans would react. (Cut to Paulo Fonseca and Brenda Fonseca)

Brenda Fonseca:
James had me dress as a nun and my husband as a Rabbi, and at the time, I was expecting a child, so it was so hidden that I couldn't believe it when I saw the results.

Paulo Fonseca:
What was crazy was how much I remember from the People who always came to Sullivan County, NY, in the Summer, and I loved James' use of the production value (Cut to Chris T. Ian)

Chris T. Ian:
I remember James saying to me, "I need you to dress as a student at Synogouge, and I was wondering if you would say a certain line." (Cut to Chris T. Ian saying his line as laughs are heard and Chris T. Ian is wondering what it is that is humorous. Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
The guy was so funny that I had to stop filming him. I just had to set it up so that Paulo could say the lines I had set for Chris to react to. I love you, Chris, and may the Lord bless you! (Cut to Amy Jo Johnson)

Amy Jo Johnson:
We met at a convention, and James told me he would list the top ten worst and best seasons of Power Rangers. He wanted to ask if you could step back in front of the camera for this one project with my fellow Rangers and Jason Frank. God rest his soul. He said it would be a good idea for us to sign on, and around the same time, the Power Rangers 2017 movie was getting more hyped. So, while we were working on James' reviews, Jason told me about the cameo in the film we would have, which was back in 2015 when we made the top ten best/worst list. And I don't know if that was an incentive for James to review it or not, but by the time James started working on the review, myself, Jason and Lewis "Linkara" were in town. (Cut to Lewis "Linkara" Lovhaug)

Lewis "Linkara" Lovhaug:
We were not fully available when James filmed the reenactment parts; we were there when James started filming the review part and the in-review sketches, and James had just filmed and edited the finale scene, and we were in agreement that it sucked. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
I remember Linkara and Jason Frank being the most vocal about how much it didn't work. Linkara had his Green Ranger costume on, and he said, "Let me go off and see if it will work." I was willing to oblige. (Cut to behind-the-scenes "Power Rangers 2017" review in which Jason Frank thinks Linkara's Green Ranger Suit looks good on him just as he's ready to say his rant. "Okay, Linkara, you're wanted on set!" James yells in the background. Cut to Amy Jo Johnson.)

Amy Jo Johnson:
I remember the last time I thought about Jason Frank, before he died. I was glad to have met him again because of James and his reviewing materials. 

(Cut to every single intro of James Faraci The Last Of The Americans as they intercut to the right time and paced with the 1994 American Gladiators theme song as it goes to the logo and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

2) The "Gigli" Review (Cut to an incredulous James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Wait, what?! My review of "Gigli" charted? Where? (The interviewer off-screen says, "The number two spot," which has James laughing as it cuts to Rebecca Yaun)

Rebecca Yaun:
I remember James telling us we would review Ben Affleck in a block from January to March. Either Paulo or I said that one of the movies James should review was Gigli. James immediately said, "If I do this, it will go dark!" Sure enough, James was right, and when I read the script, I found having to shudder at one part in particular. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
While watching the movie, I was so enraged that I needed to vent my rage about how abhorrent it was. I had to figure out who deserved it the worst, and sure enough, it was one of the biggest targets of my ire, and it just so happened to be abusers of women and children. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of the "Gigli" review as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (V.O.):
I remember having to talk to some of those types of people as to why they did what they did, and hearing it made me want to see them die a painful death. They are detestable and loathsome, and since sometimes they escape justice, I decided to hurt them so they could feel something besides joy in doing their odious actions. Being covered in their blood was both gross and refreshing, as knowing that most of them are burning in hell for what they did is possibly the only balm that helped me get through that review and through the day.

(The scene begins with a finger tapping an app on a smartwatch as it opens a portal, and 1994 American Gladiators plays as the scene cuts to a hand. It then cuts to different images of James as the characters he has played until it finally cuts to his face. The credit of “James Faraci” is shown as it cuts to “The Last Of The Americans'” current iteration, then slides away to different images of Paulo Fonseca, Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca Yaun, and Nick Yaun and Doug Yaun as the characters they’ve played until it cut to their faces and the credits of “ Doug Yaun, Paulo and Brenda Fonseca & Rebecca and Nick Yaun” is shown as it then slides away to different images of Andrew Beach, Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller and Olivia Horvath and the credits of “Andrew Beach, Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller, Olivia Horvath” is shown as the 0:00-0:21 mark of the theme song plays. Everything becomes a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the credits “Produced by First Choice Productions. Edited by Eric Kurtzke and Paulo Fonseca. Written and Directed by James Faraci” as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an outlined image of James as he morphs into “The Last Of The Americans” and lands with half of his team on his right. The other half on his left is on a white background, and the title “THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS” is shown Lazer etched into Titanium as the last six seconds of the American Gladiators 1994 theme song plays  and then a card showing the number, then a title card of the review.)

1) Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Wow, that was number one! Where to begin? I guess it was when they had finished "The Force Awakens," and I remember seeing it, I knew it would be an all-hands-on-deck sort of situation. (Cut to Eric Kurtzke)

Eric Kurtzke:
While watching the movie, we did not use our usual reviewing style; we were entering more unique territory. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
As a fan of Blake's 7, I was thrilled to hear that the late Paul Darrow and Jacqueline Pearce were in town. I asked if they would reprise their roles as Kerr Avon and Servalan for the review. (Cut to behind-the-scenes of "The Force Awakens" review as James Faraci, Eliza Dushku and Traci Hines do voiceovers)

James Faraci (V.O.):
We took about two weeks to shoot and had Darrow and Pearce for three days. Seeing them perform as Avon and Servalan one last time was fantastic. I did everything to accommodate them and make their time on screen brief but memorable. 

Eliza Dushku (V.O.):
We shot in New York and the dunes in North Carolina. Paulo, who played Highlo Bet; Nicholas Markin, who played Tenn; Traci Hines, who played Tray; and Andrew Beach and Eric Kurtzke, who played Stormtroopers as well as Resistance fighters in our performance review of "The Force Awakens" acted as the mobile crew for the scenes where we were in North Carolina. I remember James stocking us with food and water, ensuring we were all comfortable even as sand blew everywhere.

Traci Hines (V.O.):
Playing an espy of Daisy Ridley's character Rey was fun. The fact that James had come up with the idea for the "Jem" movie review as we were shooting showed how James thinks ahead, but it didn't negatively affect the current project. We also had a lot of people looking and wondering what we were doing, and James let people know what was going on; we were given a permit to film for two days, and we were done in one. On the second day we were there, we signed autographs, took photos with fans, and then spent the day relaxing. (Cut to Traci Hines)

Traci Hines:
When we got back to New York, Filming went by so quickly that we had no idea it took two weeks. (Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
I had found out, while watching the movie and working on the review, what it was that made Star Wars a phenom and it was the fact that originally meant to be a "Flash Gordon" movie which didn't happen because of Dino DeLaurentis and "Star Wars" became a rewritten fan fic before "Fifty Shades Of Grey" stories was a rewritten fan fic of the "Twilight" stories. (Cut to Steve Kidd)

Steve Kidd:
I remember being on set, just after seeing the movie again and seeing Paulo dressed as Kylo Ren and I needed to be restrained because I was so hell bent that Paulo had to take the helmet off and I was like "OOPS!" and James held onto that moment and said to me while we were working on "The Different Cuts of the Original Star Wars Trilogy" and used it for inspiration for a gag. (Cut to the footage of Steve Kidd threatening to kick Kylo Ren's ass and making him dig a grave. Cut to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
It was a fun shoot, a crazy shoot and apparently the best Behind The Scenes stories to come from these reviews. To which I say, Okay! Even though there are plenty more that are more interesting (Cut to James in his office.)

Well here's... Who am I kidding, 2025 is just going to be 2020 part five and I can tell you right now that if the last four years have been hell on all of us, 2025 is not going to be a picnic. But I am going to soldier on and bring out my best, until then (Door knocks and James sounds nervous) I'm James Faraci The Last Of The Americans and that's my opinion. (James walks out of his office and walks towards the door pensively. James opens the door everything is from the perspective of the person outside the door.)

A Female voice:
I was once a powerful creature (The female grabs James by the throat!) I was a mermaid with magic and three hundred years of life left before you and Verve told the Queen of what it is I did to strengthen the pod! Now you shall DIE! (The female tosses James across the hallway and lands semi conscious and coherent. Cut to James as he lays there looking at someone)

Hunter Dino? From "Power Rangers: Dino/Cosmic Fury"? (Cut to Hunter Dino who is looking a little different)

Hunter Dino:
Is that what her name is? Hunter Dino? Well then Mr. James Faraci The Last Of The Americans, at least you know the body that will destroy you! (A Fist lands in James' face with the screen going black and a loud "THWACK!" is heard)

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Last Of The Americans' Christmas Gift Guide 2024/ Top Five moments of The Last Of The Americans of 2024

(Scene begins with a finger tap on a smartwatch as the 1994 American Gladiators plays. The scene cuts to James jumping down a cliff from the 0:00-0:03 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators' original run. The 0:04 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators shows James Faraci landing in Santa's sleigh and entirely morphing into James Faraci The Last Of The Americans Christmas mode with his long sleeve button-up Shirt with Christmas Trees on it, Blue cargo Jeans, and Black Work boots until 0:07 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run as scene cuts to James and Santa riding with the 12th Doctor and Clara at the 0:13 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run. 0:14-0:17 show Rebecca Yaun and Nick Yaun as the two run after the Grinch before cutting to Doug Yaun baking cookies before cutting to the 0:17-0:19 mark as it shows Paulo & Brenda Fonseca popping in A Muppets Christmas Special on a player before cutting to the 0:20-0:28 mark as we see Eric Kurtzke, Andrew Beach and Olivia Horvath decorating as it cuts to the doors outside of James' space and time machine as the 0:28 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators shows when James stands on top of his Time and Space device and tosses a candy cane then cuts over to multiple clips from the past ten years of "The Last Of The Americans" Christmas reviews/top 12s as the Candy Cane flips end over end as the 0:36 mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run plays when James grabs it while on top of a slab while doing a heroic pose with Paulo & Brenda Fonseca, Eric Kurtzke, Olivia Horvath on his right and Rebecca & Nick Yaun, Renee Miller, Doug Yaun and Andrew Beach  on his left doing their own heroic poses dressed in Christmas Garb on a white background the 0:36-end mark from the theme from the final season of American Gladiators original run play the camera pulls back to see James and everyone else on top of a slab with the words "The Last Of The Americans" on it before all while snow and jingling bells are heard and seen in the foreground. Cut to James in his office)

I'm James Faraci, The Last Of The Americans, and the views that I'm about to express are of my own and some of yours. It's December. I got my Santa hat on, and my list of gifts is budgeted at $100.00, which will stretch every last penny. The is "The Last Of The Americans Holiday Gift Guide" for 2024 AND (James taps on the smartwatch screen and becomes James Faraci) 

James Faraci:
The Top Five Moments of The Last Of The Americans from 2024.  So, let's start off with the top five moments of The Last Of The Americans in 2024.

(Scene cuts to a finger taps on a smartwatch as the 1994 American Gladiators plays as the scene cuts as it taps the app as it opens a portal, and it cuts to different images of James as the characters he's played until it cut to his face and the credit of "James Faraci" is shown as it cuts to "The Last Of The Americans'" current iteration then slides away to different images of Paulo Fonseca, Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca Yaun and Nick Yaun as the characters they've played until it cut to their faces and the credits of "Paulo and Brenda Fonseca & Rebecca and Nick Yaun" is shown as it then slides away to different images of Doug Yaun and Andrew Beach as the characters they've played until it cut to their faces and the credits of "Doug Yaun and Andrew Beach" is shown as it then slides away to different images of Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller and Olivia Horvath and the credits of "Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller, Olivia Horvath" is shown as the 0:00-0:21 mark of the theme song plays. Everything becomes a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the credits "Produced by First Choice Productions. Edited by Eric Kurtzke and Paulo Fonseca. Written and Directed by James Faraci" as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an outlined image of James as he morphs into "The Last Of The Americans" and lands with half of his team on his right and the other half on his left on a white background and the title "THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS" is shown Lazer etched into Titanium as the last six seconds of the American Gladiators 1994 theme song plays and the words "Top Five" on the top of "The Last Of The Americans" and on the bottom those words are "Of 2024" as it cuts to the swirl of red, white and blue and a number appears in the center as James does a voiceover)

James Faraci (V.O.):
Number Five
(Cut to "A "Web" of convolution as James does a voiceover)

5) A "Web" of convolution! 

James Faraci (V.O.):
This was possibly the most challenging review because throughout most of the time, I was held up in a harness, and I had to be dropped and raised several times; I blew out my voice from screaming at Olivia, who, by the way, liked how she had to be dressed like Madame Web (Or Mistress Net for the sake of the review). I also had to introduce an addition after so much subtraction; I will get into it later. Also, when I had Chris over while working on something at the number three spot. I also found the movie better than people had made it out to be. I enjoyed the review, especially when I was doing the technicals. Now let's get started with... (Morphing sound)

The Last Of The Americans' Christmas Guide for 2024 (Cut to James and Team TLOTA in their Pajamas as they come rushing to the Christmas Tree and see different items they wanted and clean up as the camera turns to see the Wrapping Paper shrapnel "The Last Of The Americans Holiday Gift Guide" slide wipe to James in Cooking gear around the Kitchen in the Studio.)

As it has been over the past few years, all these gifts will be at least a hundred dollars. Starting with our kitchen gear for the year, we begin with something that will help keep the oven clean, using less oven cleaning cycle and some funky cleaners that leave a residue. These oven liners are great for keeping the bottom of your ovens clean, and I like how easy they are to clean. They also are fine for grill work, and baking liners for when you're out of parchment and aluminum foil. Get these to help you keep that oven cleaner than before. Next up is for those who want Asian cooking without getting those take-out prices. We go to something I had recorded a few weeks ago with Uncle Roger. (The scene cuts back to the Kitchen a few weeks ago when James and Uncle Roger.)

Uncle Roger:
Okay, cousin James, I will show you how to make Pad Thai like Uncle Roger makes it with a Wok. You have a perfect wok, so let's get to cooking! 

This wok is perfect for someone like me who likes to cook. The wok heats evenly, so the cooking has plenty of work flavor, and this Pad Thai is so well-balanced that it is worth the taste. At this exact moment, I decided to treat Uncle Roger to some of my favorite dishes, including my famous Meatza, as I pulled out my 12-inch cast iron dual-handled skillet. This skillet can also be used for more than Meatza. It is excellent for roasting chicken, prime ribs, and slow-cooking pork shoulder. Uncle Roger liked it and almost gave me Uncle status. (The Scene cuts to the Kitchen as it is now)

And for those throwing a party like some of us are, even though there's no reason to throw parties anymore, I especially like the charcuterie boards with more than just meat and cheeses. I like this board setup for the organizational aspects; behold, the Farberware Build-a-Board Cutting Board with Compartments and Clear Locking Lid. It's great for traveling to get-togethers and those who like to keep their fruits, meats, cheeses, veggies, sweets, and dips organized. After cleaning up, it's excellent as a mise-en-place for cooking different soups, stews, and braised dishes.

To end this segment, I give you the AeroPress Clear Coffee Press. It's gravity-fed into the cup below. And what works excellently about this is that there is no bitterness when I make my cocoa or teas. It's also great for those who are more ecologically conscious. All the links in each segment are open. While I enjoy this, let's go back to James and his top five (James taps on the smartwatch screen and morphs back to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
Okay, that was weird. Anyway, Number Four (Everything becomes a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an outlined image of James as he morphs into "The Last Of The Americans" and lands with half of his team on his right and the other half on his left on a white background and the title "THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS" is shown it cuts to the swirl of red, white and blue and a number appears in the center as it cuts to The Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Blog review as James does a voiceover)

4)The Lost Review: Professor Monstrous' Sing-Along YouTube Video

James Faraci (V.O.):
This is my "Pink Floyd's The Wall" review as done by those Chicago Fegulahs. It was doomed from the get go. I had started pre-production (meaning I had an idea, and that was it.) in 2019; in November of that year, I put that idea on the back burner until 2020. Thankfully, my dad, god rest his soul, told me to be ready by February of that year until I heard of COVID-19 and decided to shelve it until the pandemic ended. However, by the time the pandemic did end, I had a workload that would've knocked out so many others. But I got some work with Taylor and Johnny Berchtold after getting my current glasses. I had done some work with Alex DeCourville before the fallout from my review of "Science Boy's High School Reunion." Then that's when things for this review really went off the rails as I suffered injury after injury during the filming, and then relationships were damaged beyond repair. Primarily the professional relationship between myself and those from "Life As A Mermaid" (I now wish I had never heard of that show) and the results of the final product were good, hearing how bad everyone thought the review was is proof positive that the best days are over and any attempt to make more things like this happen will be met with ridicule and scorn by my fellow reviewers and that this remains the one review I will think of and think of how things fell apart for me.
(Morphing sound)

Thanks, James; I'll take over here. (Cut to James in his office.)

If you're wondering what it is I am sitting this way, it's because of the device that I am using to get my steps in. The Sunny Health & Fitness Mini Steppers for Exercise at Home, Stair Step Workout Machine. Even while watching movies and reviewing them this year, I got all my steps in. I use the resistance bands to work on my arms when I am not on screen. It is also great when it comes to keeping the body moving at times when it is stationary. Of course, to help me during my DDPYoga program, I am interested in doing something to help me build my strength and hold my frame up better; The CAP Barbell Adjustable Weighted Vest. I wear this to help strengthen the body especially when I take a couple of hours off and I decide to walk and believe me a walk is keeping me moving. (Cut to James and his team in the Gym.)

We're going to wait for some special guests to come in, and while that happens, the team and I are going to do our DDPYoga on the DDP Yoga Now as long as you have a subscription on the app. (James taps on the smartwatch screen and morphs back to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
For now, here's the number three moment of The Last Of The Americans in 2024
(Cut to everything becoming a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an outlined image of James as he morphs into "The Last Of The Americans" and lands with half of his team on his right and the other half on his left on a white background. The title "THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS" is shown. It cuts to the swirl of red, white, and blue, and a number appears in the center.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
Number Three
 (Cut to The Iron Claw crossover as James does a voiceover)

3) The Iron Claw crossover

James Faraci (V.O.):
Working on this review of the wrestling family biopic with Rowdy, AKA Chris Lee Moore, AAKA Robert "The Wrestling Mark" Hayden. This was meant to be about the family destroying itself partly due to wrestling and primarily because of the factual inaccuracies of the movie. I remember watching documentaries on World Class Championship Wrestling, including the "Dark Side Of The Ring" episode. When we sat down to watch the movie for the review, we knew certain things were inaccurate. Still, for them to write Chris Von Erich out of the film because it would've been too much for the movie's audience, there's a problem with that logic; the audience you'll get to know about wrestling, especially the Von Erich legacy. Getting this review done was easy since I had just finished doing a lot of the work for the Anti-AI storyline, the lost man, and the never healing heart of a romance that ended that broke "The Last Of The Americans" to the point where he has nothing left but reviewing all other avenues are permanently closed storyline" which is bleeding into real life sadly. As of this post, I am a trillionth of a fraction of a step away from seeing everything fall permanently into the Quantum Realm and never escaping. If I still need to clarify, 2024 has become the worst point in my career and personal life. But now, let's get back to the gift guide.
(A Morphing sound is heard as it cuts to James in the lobby with his great nieces and niece Vivian.)

Judging by the noises I hear, my niece and my great-nieces are here and having fun. Kinsleigh and Alaina are enjoying a little painting excursion with the Crayola Color Wonder Paintbrush Pens & Paper. What makes this great is that the color stays on the paper and doesn't wind up on the walls and floor! Ah! Alaina, no tasting that; it tastes yucky. Bleh! (Alaina gives James her tough girl face, and James does the same thing. Then, James gives Alaina a kiss on her forehead and a hug as he picks her up, and Kinsleigh grabs one of James' hands.) We're moving over to their Aunt Vivian as she has set up something she and these two little goober nickels can enjoy. (Cut to Vivian as she has just finished setting up the device.) Is it ready?

Vivian Lee Faraci:
Yep, will this work? 

Oh, it will keep them entertained; behold this toy. This special toy is a projector that shows the stars and the moon in all their glory. What also makes this fun is that if you need a little help, your kid gets some sleep, lets this play, and all they have to do is lie down. Then, not long enough, they will be out until the morning. Speaking of stars, the moon, and outer space, if you want to get the kiddies to understand where we are, check out My First Book of Planets: All About the Solar System for Kids. Definitely suitable for Alaina and Kinsleigh. 

Vivian Lee Faraci:
Are you forgetting something? Look, I know and have heard about how you tossed Mr. Narducci on his butt because he didn't keep his word. So what do you have for me?

Be patient; I am waiting for one thing before we enter the games for you. 

Vivian Lee Faraci:
Okay. So what are you waiting for, something to fall from the sky. (Lightning strikes as something lands in James' hand) What was that? (Cut to James as he holds a book for Vivian and a device for him.)

Let's get this started! (James plugs the device in as it connects to ERod the Blockbuster Buster at his current location.)

Hey James, and I take that. Is the little girl next to you Vivian? (Cut to James and Vivian)

Vivian Lee Faraci:
Looks like the video is excellent. (Cut to Erod the Blockbuster Buster)

Well, that's because this is a live feed between us. And I take that my book has arrived for Vivian. (Cut to James and Vivian)

Indeed, it is Kassandra Killjoy Paranormal Private Eye. Erod, could you convince people to purchase this masterpiece, especially those who have not heard of it? (Cut to ERod the Blockbuster Buster.)

Glad to do so. (Cut to still images used in the opening of most of the videos promoting the book as ERod does a voiceover)

ERod (V.O.):
Set in Obscure City, Kassandra Killjoy, A Private Investigative witch, is the only source in the darkest places to help innocent people with their problems. One girl, in particular, requires Kassandra, and hopefully, Kassandra can get some help from the mythical hero known as "The Swordsman."If you like a badass, smart female characters, supernatural mysteries, classic monsters, and ridiculous action sequences involving magic and mayhem. Then this is most definitely the perfect gift for any holiday season. (Cut to James and Vivian)

TLOTA: Thanks for stopping by and promoting your book. (Cut to Erod the Blockbuster Buster)

ERod: No problem, Vivian. Enjoy the book your uncle got for you. He really does love you. Until next time, I'm ERod, and I'm The Blockbuster Buster! (The screen shuts off. Cut to James and Vivian.)

TLOTA: Hope you enjoy the book, kiddo! I have some games set up when you're ready.

Vivian Lee Faraci:
Cool! (Cut to James and Vivian as the two join Doug and his son as they play a game of Chess until both reach a draw. Cut to James, Vivian, Paulo, and Brenda Fonseca as they play a game of KerPlunk. Cut to James, Vivian, Rebecca, and Nicholas Yaun play The Game Of Life as James sees where his life is now and looks sad, knowing things are not suitable for him. Cut to everyone as they play Trivial Pursuit, and Vivian wins all the games. Cut to James as he sits in his office.)

When I return, I will follow up on a few pieces I did a few years back. For now... (James taps on the smartwatch screen and morphs back to James Faraci)

James Faraci:
It's time for me to get to work again! Number two (Everything becomes a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an outlined image of James as he morphs into "The Last Of The Americans" and lands with half of his team on his right and the other half on his left on a white background and the title "THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS" is shown it cuts to the swirl of red, white and blue and a number appears in the center as it cuts to The Top Ten Reasons why the Prequels are better than the Disney Star Wars Trilogy" as James does a voiceover)

2)  The Top ten reasons why The Star Wars Prequels are better than the Disney Star Wars movies

James Faraci (V.O.):
I had waited until the Disney Star Wars movies had played themselves out. And after a few tries, I finally got the nerve to talk about why after looking with hindsight, sans nostalgia. I needed time to accept the Disney Star Wars Trilogy. After watching both the prequels and the Disney trilogy, what went wrong? After watching the prequels, I realized they were more cohesive in much of the story, including the timing. Eventually, I had enough evidence to figure out how and why the Prequels were the necessary evil of the Star Wars Franchise. It was not only a very exhausting look into everything that Star Wars became after 1983 but also the most polarizing thing I ever did, knowing I would be getting roasted over a volcano for what I had to say. Thankfully, some people defended my thoughts while others defended what the mouse-eared Reichstaff had done. This was one of the few highlights of my year. (Cut to James as he stands on the stage on Monday, December 2, 2024)

A couple of years ago, I walked upon this stage to discuss my college major, the media arts. Earlier this year, the people in charge of the SUNY Campuses decided that the theatrical and media arts had been shut down because it wasn't making money. When I graduate next May from SUNY Sullivan, the Media Arts and the Theatrical Arts department will be shut down, possibly for good. Movie makers, actors, and other talented people in the entertainment business who want to start in the SUNY College department will be better off looking elsewhere. (Cut to "Carburetor: A Ghost Sonata" clips as James does a voiceover.) 

TLOTA (V.O.): 

And that is a shame because not only will there not be anything to help these creative talents hone their crafts. Though talking with Jessica Lopez-Barkl, she hopes to convince the heads of SUNY to reconsider shutting down the programs. Until then, she will use the Performance Theater Club to keep the SUNY Sullivan Theater program going. And just so everyone knows, this is me with the beard that makes me look like my dad playing a character known as "The Mechanic" in the work-in-progress play called "Carburetor: A Ghost Sonata" which is based on Jessica Lopez-Barkl's life as a daughter with Autism, and eventually becoming a wife and a mother to a daughter with Autism while dealing with her father's passing. I actually enjoyed the process of this show, even at the one time when we performed for five people. The aspect that drove me to the show was the parent/child dynamic, and after everything that I went through in 2019 and 2020, this was therapeutic and, for me, part of the healing from what I went through. That is part of the joy of the arts. It can help us understand ourselves in a way that psychology, sports, and other departments don't understand. (Cut to James outside the Liberty Theater in Liberty, NY.)

And now we go to the Liberty Theater where, in 2021, construction crews were working to get the marquee back up and lit for a new generation of filmgoers and, for me, a hope that could help me watch more current movies without having to travel a couple of hours just to see a movie. However, there have been delays. I also discovered that while the building is open and opened for business earlier this year, it's in part being used as a satellite studio for local radio stations under the Bold Gold Media Group banner. While that is great for my neck of the woods, I wonder if this movie theater will ever open as a movie theater, and from what I heard, if and when it does open, it will most likely be a single-feature movie theater. This limits the number of movies I will see if and when the movie theater does open in my hometown. 
Not exactly how I wanted to end this, so let's move onto... (Scene begins with a smartwatch screen and a finger as it taps the screen and the 1994 American Gladiators plays as the scene cuts to a hand as it taps an app on his phone as it opens a portal, and it cuts to James and the characters he’s played until it cut to his face and the credit of “James Faraci” is shown as it cuts to “The Last Of The Americans'” current iteration then slides away to different images of Paulo Fonseca, Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca Yaun, Nick Yaun and Doug Yaun and the characters they’ve played until it cut to their faces and the credits of “Paulo and Brenda Fonseca & Doug Yaun, Rebecca and Nick Yaun” is shown as it then slides away to different images of Andrew Beach Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller and Olivia Horvath and the credits of “Andrew Beach, Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller, Olivia Horvath” is shown as the 0:00-0:21 mark of the theme song plays. Everything becomes a swirl of Reds, Whites, and Blues as the credits “Produced by First Choice Productions" “Executive Producers: James Faraci, Paulo Fonseca, Brenda Fonseca, Rebecca Yaun, Nick Yaun, Eric Kurtzke, Renee Miller, Andrew Beach & Olivia Horvath” “Editing by Eric Kurtzke and James Faraci” “Written and Directed by James Faraci” are shown as the 0:21-0:26 mark of the theme song plays. We then see an image of James as he jumps through the portal and lands with half of his team on his right. The other half on his left is on a black background, and the title “THE LAST OF THE AMERICANS” is shown Lazer etched into Titanium as the last six seconds of the American Gladiators 1994 theme song plays. The red, white, and blue swirl and a number appear in the center as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
The Number one moment of The Last Of The Americans of 2024

(Cut to the 2024 "Civil War" movie review  and the Kevin Smith Reviews as James does a voiceover.)

James Faraci (V.O.):
The moment I saw the 2024 movie Civil War, I saw it as a parable similar to "The Day After. " Just like my friend Rowdy, who eight years ago talked about "The Day After," I found "Civil War" on the same level. This movie did what it was supposed to: ask questions on how to avoid such a fate and try to tell us how we treat our news and reporters. We should watch this movie now, especially after everything that happened in November; we should expect this sort of future to start sometime in 2025. Now, onto the Kevin Smith movie review marathon; while I admit there may have been some good to come out of it when it came to my review of "Dogma," as it may have helped lay the groundwork for the current events for the rights of the movie as it appears that Kevin Smith and new owners of the rights to the movie have got plans to re-release it on the physical media market as well as finally putting it out on the digital market sometime soon, the downside is how it ended a lot of storylines I had planned, and how it ended the best storyline I would have had occurred. In 2018, I started writing what would've been the best idea that will never come to fruition, "The Last Of The Americans: The Movie." I discussed the movie's plot in my Top Ten Mistakes list last year, so there's no reason to go over it. However, the original idea for the storyline that would lead me through this year was that I took a long overdue vacation, and the problem was that some force drove Alex and me apart. I would go on a journey of self-discovery as Alex would learn how to harness her abilities even further. I had hoped that the end of the storyline would end on a high note as James and Alex would spill that they were engaged. The reality hit as tensions between Alex and Me as I did my best to be nice to her. However, when she announced her engagement, I told Alex that the end of the storyline would change. Primarily, the relationship would fail as Alex would end the relationship to stay with the pod, and James' heartbreak would scar him forever. However, I needed something to fill in the other storyline. I thank the SAG-AFTRA/WGA strike against AI. As a writer, I cannot support AI because it can't give characters depth, progress the story to a logical closure point, and draw people in for more than the initial novelty of AI doing all the work. So, when I came up with the AI Doppelganger to fill in, it became the catalyst to the second part of the storyline as I chose to do what I felt was right and take the consequences of my actions. That, of course, realizing that I had sealed the fate I tried to stop in 2019, that at the end of everything, all I would know is solitude. I'll let the other half explain after this mess is over. (Cut to James Faraci The Last Of The Americans, in his office)

Now, let's move on to this year's top five personal buying suggestions. Starting off with... (Cut to images of certain products that James will talk about as James does a voiceover.)

Number 5)  The 2024 Civil War movie. I talked about that in June of 2024, and if you're not going to watch it now, then it is too late.

Number 4) The Guide to The Orville. Having talked about how much I love the series by Seth MacFarland, it is clear how quickly the series became a phenomenon in its own right, with people wanting a fourth season, but for now, this comprehensive guide written by The Orville writer Andre Bormanis that would show fans more about the ship and her crew.

Number 3) Kassandra Killjoy Paranormal Private Eye. Written by ERod The Blockbuster Buster, this is the start of a new series of books starring the main character on the lookout for the swordsman and a teenage girl's father in a city that would give Gotham nightmares.

Number 2)Deadpool & Wolverine. I will get into this more in the first few months of 2025, but this was something we needed as longtime Marvel Movie fans, and this gave the MCU another success that it desperately needs as it now faces James Gunn and his answer to what they're doing at DC. (Cut to James in his office.)

And now for the Number one buying suggestion? Well ORAC? Take it away! (Cut to clips of Series One of "Blake's 7"  and accompanied by the theme song from "Blake's 7" as ORAC does a voiceover.)

ORAC (V.O.):
Created by Terry Nation, the person who came up with "The Daleks" for "Doctor Who," "Blake's 7" starred Gareth Thomas as Roj Blake, a dissident of the Federation Government who had been reconditioned and tormented for what he believed, Blake is eventually arrested and found guilty of one crime he did not commit. While en route to Cygnus Alpha, a prison colony planet of the Federation, a ship of unknown origin is discovered. Joined by fellow criminals Kerr Avon, Olan Gan, Jenna Stannis, and Vila Restal, they take the spaceship "The Liberator" and its onboard computerized system known as "Zen." Eventually, an Auron outcast named Cally joins this group and begins their plan to liberate planetary systems from the grasp of the Federation. On their tail are Commander Servalan and her associate, who operates outside Federation Law by the name of Travis, who has a personal grudge against Roj Blake. "Blake's 7"'s first series is available on Blu-Ray in the United States for the first time. It is considered a sister series to the Classic "Doctor Who," and considering what would have happened if the BBC had been lenient and allowed certain things to happen in the second series (based on the sales of the first series Blu-Ray in the United States if the sales are considered favorable will most likely be available in the near future as well as the other two series.) would've been a spin-off of the previously mentioned Classic "Doctor Who." Which James will talk about next year. If you are a fan of classic British Science Fiction akin to the classic "Doctor Who" or other Science Fiction series such as "Red Dwarf,""Firefly," "Babylon 5," "Farscape,""Hyperdrive,""Aeon Flux," and others, including several "Star Trek" series during the series "Next Generation" era, then A purchase of the first series on Blu-Ray is suggested, otherwise gain a Britbox TV online streaming service subscription for the full series of "Blake's 7" or a BBC Sci-Fi connection via Amazon Prime. (Cut to James in his office.)

Thank you, ORAC! Now, you're probably wondering why that is Number One and not "Deadpool and Wolverine," the answer is simple. The BBC discovered ORAC was working for this series, and long story short.

ORAC (Audio only):
Too Late.

Funny ORAC, I now have to rename and redesign ORAC and the space-time device, and here is the rub: I want to keep the name sounding like ORAC while respelling the name. If you have an idea for redesigning the space-time machine and redesigning ORAC and ORAC's respelling, let me know in the comment section below. Until December 21st, for the top ten best behind-the-scenes stories from "The Last Of The Americans," I'm James Faraci The Last Of The Americans, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, A Happy Hannukah, A Cool Kwanza, A Funky Festivus and all other December holidays! (Everyone in Team TLOTA waves as the scene fades to black. Cut to the day after the Internet Reviewer Christmas party as James sits in sadness and solitude as "Mickey" from the "Rocky III" soundtrack plays. James opens up a bottle of egg nog and has a set of drink glasses)

Well, here's to the year we squandered whatever magic was left. (A knock on the door as James finishes his first glass of Egg Nog) It's open. (Cut to the door as Rowdy enters)

Hey James, something tells me you shouldn't be alone right now. (Cut to James as he sets up Egg Nog for two)

Thanks (Rowdy walks up to James, takes a glass of Egg Nog, and the two toast.) It's non-alcoholic! I never told you how things ended up like this. It was 2019, Rob suffered a stroke, my dad was on his way out, and I had just got the lease for this place. I had hoped to take things slow with her, and then came August of that year. I was working on my "Different Cuts" of "X-Men: Days Of Future Past," and the paradox rift returned. Alex decided to use her powers to stop the rift, and then I thought I had found a future I could avoid. A future where I was at the same point my dad was at that time; everyone was gone, dead, I have to presume, and I was alone, doing this. (James takes a drink from his glass of Egg Nog.) I returned to the present to help Alex stop the rift. I woke up and thought it was a nightmare. I walked away and proposed but told her to wait to answer until she was ready. (Rowdy refills the glasses as the two toast again.) 2020 hit us all hard enough. When Rob passed in November of 2019, then my Dad passed in August 2020, and then the events that ended back in April of this year, I realized that the future I thought I had avoided was the one that I set in stone. (James and Rowdy drink another round of Egg Nog.)

How do you know it's set in stone?

Look at the state of the world. Everyone has embraced wrong, and they can't see what they're doing is hurting everyone. Humanity has adopted a "What can I get for a Me, Myself, and I?" mentality. The monster you thought was slain in 2020 is back, and no amount of divine energy will save us. (James takes a drink from his glass) Evil has won, Good has been trampled under the foot of stupidity, and everything we wanted is gone. The Magic is gone.  Everything we believe is meaningless now. We have lost; the future is over, and I realized it when Alex handed me back the ring and joined the pod. Do you get it? It's over, Rowdy. Do you understand?  IT'S FRICKING OVER! (James tosses his glass onto the picture, and it falls off the wall, and the frame breaks. Leaving a mess. James walks over and picks up the picture, and Rowdy follows behind him) I don't know what I can do anymore.

James, I know it's hard, but the magic's there. You can't see or feel it, but you'll know it when it comes back. Merry Christmas, James, and hang in there. (Rowdy pats James on the back, then walks away and closes the door behind him. Fade to black.)